
How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives


The most important fact about the coronavirus pandemic that turned the world upside down in 2020 is that our response to it has been an epic overreaction driven by a disastrous confluence of public and private interests—all of them purporting to “follow the science.”

Since the lockdowns began, millions of Americans have relied on the reporting of Alex Berenson. Exposing the hysteria and manipulation behind the worst failure of public policy since World War I, this clear-eyed journalist has been a critical source of reason and truth.

The product of relentless investigation and research, Pandemia explains how an illness that many people will never even know they had became the occasion for economically ruinous lockdowns and the suppression of personal freedom on a previously unimaginable scale. Dispassionate, factual, and untainted by any agenda other than telling the truth, this is the account that pandemic-weary Americans desperately need.

About the author(s)

Alex Berenson covered the drug industry and financial fraud as a reporter for the New York Times. He is the author of Tell Your Children: The Truth about Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence, an Edgar Award–winning writer of bestselling thrillers, and a freelance journalist. A graduate of Yale University, he lives with his family in New York and publishes (uncensored) at

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