
Six million Jews died in Europe, and the Holocaust lives on in the minds of those individuals who survived the worst genocide the world has ever known. One, by One, by One is a masterwork—a stark and haunting exploration of how people rationalize history, how rationalization gives birth to lies, how the victims are blamed, and history's horrors are forgotten.

About the author(s)

Judith Miller is a Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter formerly with the New York Times. She won an Emmy for her work on a Nova/New York Times documentary based on articles for her book Germs. Miller is the author of four books, two #1 bestsellers. She is the recipient of many awards, among them the Society of Professional Journalists’ “First Amendment Award” for her protection of sources. An adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal, Miller is theater critic for Tablet magazine. Since 2008, she has been a commentator for Fox News.

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