
Samantha struggles to follow her own advice when writing a column for the school newspaper reveals a hidden desire.

Samantha loves being a star reporter for the school newspaper, and she especially loves it when she’s teamed up with her crush, Michael Lawrence. So she’s especially upset when Mr. Trigg doesn’t pair them together—will Michael forget all about her if they don’t work together? And to make matters worse, Sam’s best friend likes a boy whom Sam can’t stand. How do your tell your best friend you think she has terrible taste?
     To keep her mind off of her own problems, Sam concentrates on writing her Dear Know-It-All advice column. While encouraging a letter writer who’s too shy to try out for the gymnastics team, Sam realizes that she’d secretly like to try out for the team herself. Sam advises the hopeful girl to “Go for it! Don’t be afraid! Reach for the stars!” But can Sam take her own advice?

About the author(s)

Rachel Wise loves to give advice. When she’s not editing or writing children’s books, which she does full-time at a publisher in New York, she’s reading advice columns in newspapers, magazines, and blogs—and is always sure her advice would be better! Her dream is to someday have her own talk show, where she could share her wisdom with millions of people at once, but for now she’s happy to dole out advice in small portions in Dear Know-It-All books.