
• Examines the survival and revival of the old pre-Christian gods, investigates prehistoric sacred sites, and reveals ancient shamanic traditions

• Looks at Rosicrucianism and the distinctive Germanic forms of astrology, alchemy, and the Kabbalah

• Discusses German poets, philosophers, and mystics, such as Dr. Johann Faust, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, and Jakob Boehme

Recounting the longstanding magical tradition of Germany, Christopher McIntosh investigates the numerous prehistoric sacred sites that point to a nearly forgotten ancient shamanic civilization. He examines the survival and revival of the old pre- Christian gods in folklore, customs, and practices as well as witchcraft. He looks at Germany’s rich and many-faceted spiritual heritage and explores Christian mysticism and theosophy as exemplified by Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, and Jakob Boehme.

Examining Rosicrucianism, which originated in Germany, the author also looks at other secret societies that flourished in Germany, such as speculative Freemasonry, the Fraternitas Saturni, and the Golden and Rosy Cross. He explores how the Church sought to stamp out the old gods and pagan beliefs as well as how periods of the Church’s heaviest oppression produced immortal poets, philosophers, theologians, artists, and mystics.

Exploring more recent centuries, the author looks at the Nordic revival in the 19th century and the influence of Theosophy and the movements that grew out of it, such as Steiner’s Anthroposophy. Examining the esoteric traditions of the 20th century, he looks at the work of neo-Nordic occultists and esoteric writers like Meyrink and Hesse. He explores certain occult aspects of the Third Reich, which resulted in a backlash against the occult.

Revealing both the enlightened and the dark sides of occult Germany, the author shows how this country has long been a cauldron in which esoteric ideas have flourished, spread, and been lauded as well as condemned, leaving an enduring mark.

About the author(s)

Christopher McIntosh is a British-born writer and historian, specializing in the esoteric traditions of the West. He has a doctorate in history from Oxford University, a degree in German from London University, and a diploma in Russian from the United Nations Language School. The author of many books, most recently Beyond the North Wind, he lives in Lower Saxony, North Germany.


“This extraordinary book takes you on a masterful journey into the hidden byways of occult Germany in recent centuries and right up to the present. There are all kinds of wonderful treasures in it, including beautiful mysterious images, personal experiences, and engaging narratives. Read it and be rewarded manyfold!”

“Christopher McIntosh has written the first ‘hierohistory’ of the German-speaking world: a history of its sacred task among the family of nations. Its essence, simply stated, is to assert the inseparability of matter and spirit. Thanks to enlightened monarchs, mystics, alchemists, poets, painters, and polymaths both famous and obscure, this truth has survived all hazards. Even the best-informed reader will find surprises here and benefit from the author’s involvement both as spectator and actor in a never-ending process.”

“Christopher McIntosh, a skilled storyteller and pioneer in the study of esotericism, takes readers on a captivating journey through the hidden realms of German culture, exploring the esoteric traditions that have shaped the nation’s identity. From enigmatic secret societies to influential figures who walked the fine line between the seen and unseen, McIntosh delivers a compelling personal account of his exploration of the many facets of Germany’s occult history while not shying away from the ‘Nazi elephant in the room.’ Engaging and enlightening, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the occult dimensions of one of Europe’s most intriguing cultural landscapes.”

“This is a deeply absorbing book that brings alive the hugely rich spiritual and philosophical world of German esotericism. It ranges from the mythology and archeological traces of the ancient Germanic tribes through profound medieval and Renaissance mystics to the modern world of Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. Through it all, Christopher McIntosh blends his customarily vast range of scholarship with a charming personal narrative of his own wide experiences in the German speaking world. Among the numerous places and eras he evokes are the mysteriously atmospheric Externsteine stones and the romance and alchemical magic of Heidelberg Castle. He identifies an especially Germanic emphasis on the presence of spirit within matter that has given so much insight and wisdom to the world. The time has come for the German cultural sphere to reclaim its place as the home of one of the world’s great esoteric traditions. This book is an important contribution to its welcome reemergence.”

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