
In mid-1945, the Australian 7th and 9th Divisions conducted three amphibious operations – code-named Oboe – on Borneo. The Allies enjoyed command of the sea and the air, and used both to isolate and pummel the Japanese defenders.
The Borneo landings – well planned, resourced and executed – are rightly considered the acme of amphibious operations, yet their strategic and operational utility has been questioned. By 1945, US forces had retaken the Philippines and were pressing towards Japan, while Australia was tasked with the conduct of these landings. Japan had yet to surrender and there was still fighting ahead, but Japan’s defeat was certain.
This book describes the planning and execution of the three landings: Oboe 1 on Tarakan, Oboe 6 on Brunei and Oboe 2 on Balikpapan. Although the political and strategic context is covered, this book focuses on operations and tactics, and demonstrates how the Oboe operations benefited from amphibious expertise developed in the Pacific theatre. As amphibious operations bring together land, naval and air assets to act in concert, amphibious expertise is joint in nature. This expertise comprised the development and use of specialist equipment, creation of fit-for-purpose command and control systems, joint and Allied interoperability and an overall amphibious mindset.
Dayton McCarthy uses official histories and war diaries to explain these complex operations, focusing on the often-overlooked aspects such as the logistics, staff work and planning and the role of air and naval forces. As Australia again re-examines the role of amphibious operations in its near region, the subject matter of this book is timely.

About the author(s)

Dr Dayton McCarthy is the director of a specialist defence and national security research and analysis consultancy based in Brisbane. From 2005 to 2013, he served in the Australian Regular Army as an infantry officer in number of command, staff and instructional postings. This included operational deployments to East Timor, Solomon Islands and Iraq. He continues to serve in the Army Reserve and is Commanding Officer of the 9th Battalion, Royal Queensland Regiment.

He is the author of The Once and Future Army: A History of the Citizen Military Forces, 1947-1974, The Battle of Maryang San and The Worst of Both Worlds: An Analysis of Urban-Littoral Combat and has written numerous journal articles and conference papers on military history and defence issues.