Man on the Run

Helping Hyper-Hobbied Men Recognize the Best Things in Life


Do you have a hyper-hobbied man in your life? Maybe you are a hyper-hobbied man. Hobbies and adventurous pursuits are good for the soul, says author Zeke Pipher. In fact, the human spirit was designed for challenge, stimulation, even risk. So why a book about hyper-hobbied men? Because too much of a good thing can pull men away from the even more important things—like family, friends, and church.

But there is another way. Men are capable of living with passion and zeal while at the same time remaining balanced and faithful to their most important relationships and priorities. They can learn to run hard and run well, while running after the right things. To do this, men need the help and support of their wives, children, friends, and greater community. If these basics are in place, watch out. Everyone wins when men are on the run.

Passionate, pursuit-driven men can make great husbands, fathers, friends, and colleagues precisely because of their tenacious tendencies. Yet the qualities that make men pursue adventure above all else can wreck their lives; overzealous men end up losing out on the best things in life. How to have the best of both worlds is what this book is all about.

About the author(s)

Zeke Pipher is the senior pastor of Heartland Evangelical Free Church in central Nebraska. His sermons are broadcast each week throughout central Nebraska, northern Kansas, southern South Dakota, and western Iowa. His articles and photos appear regularly in several national sports magazines, including Deer and Deer Hunting, Bow & Arrow Hunting, and Petersen’s Bowhunting. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Talbot School of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He speaks regularly to men on issues such as marriage, friendship, parenting, and the life of the sportsman.


“If you or someone you love is suffering from the tricky obsession targeted in Man on the Run, you will find that the author is sympathetic (he’s been cured), knowledgeable (he’s an experienced counselor) and practical (no hocus-pocus here). He also has a hair-trigger sense of humor that puts the spoonful of sugar into the right medicine. I highly recommend this book, not only to all who are afflicted with hyper-hobby syndrome, but also to those who want to help them.”

Warren W. Wiersbe, author and former pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, IL

“Because far too many men have allowed their passion for the outdoors to cause them to miss the target when it comes to hitting the all-important mark of being a good husband and father, a book like Man on the Run is a must resource. The good news about this book is that it is written in a language that sportsmen and men of all types will readily relate to and clearly understand. This vital feature of the text is true because Zeke Pipher has been there. He has made the painful misses, but he’s also successfully dialed in his sights and now enjoys the fruit of change. His longing to help his fellow men know that success is as strong as the guidance he has written into this book."

Steve Chapman, author of A Look at Life from a Deer Stand

“Man on the Run contains some insights that are very important to most men. All of us at times let our occupation or our hobbies consume us to a degree that is unhealthy in terms of maintaining balance in our lives, particularly as it relates to our families. Zeke Pipher writes informatively about a way to keep things in perspective and to maintain a healthy relationship with our wives and our children. I recommend it highly.”

Tom Osborne, athletic director and former head football coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

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