Love, God, and Everything

Awakening from the Long, Dark Night of the Collective Soul


• Explores how to consciously evolve, heal our generational trauma, and awaken to the amazing potential we each hold for transformation

• Shares unique maps and models for psychospiritual integration, spiritual awakening, and evolving consciousness

• Examines the evolutionary continuum of the soul and catalytic astrological events that will influence humanity in the years and decades ahead

Humanity is undergoing a planetary wake-up call: in order to survive the global spiritual, ecological, and cultural crises we now face, the long, dark night of the collective soul,we need to consciously evolve, heal our generational trauma, and awaken to the amazing potential we each hold for profound transformation.

In this sweeping exploration of love, consciousness, and awakening, Nicolya Christi offers a deep investigation of the Great Shift of Ages that is now occurring. She shares detailed personal accounts of the extraordinary metaphysical, psychic, and out-of-body experiences she has had throughout her life along with the direct spiritual insights she gained as a result. She explores what consciousness is and examines the evolutionary continuum of the soul--including the voyage of the incarnate soul, the metaphysical-spiritual reality of the excarnate soul, and the beyond-soul reality. She also shares maps and models for psychospiritual integration, awakening, and evolving consciousness that she has pioneered.

Examining the personal and collective human shadow, the author looks at the central role epigenetics play in our current fear-based reality and explores the impact of stories of wounding from a personal, ancestral, and karmic perspective. Focusing on healing generational and collective trauma, she shows how by changing our “story,” we can change the world and transcend the shadow of human experience. She explores spiritual wisdom from ancient cultures spanning millennia, especially the Classic Maya, and highlights evolutionary astrological events that will influence humanity in the years and decades ahead as we more fully awaken.

Sharing her vision for the New Earth, Nicolya reveals how deeply feeling and envisioning our post-transformation future as if it has already happened will help bring it into being. She also shares a look into the new epoch of wellness, regeneration, psychology, biology, and technology that will unfold as humanity transitions from the dysfunctional old paradigm into a conscious and awakened new world.

About the author(s)

Nicolya Christi is a writer, visionary, renowned spiritual teacher, and the author of Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World.


“The reading, study, and incorporating of Nicolya Christi’s penetrating and revelatory insights into your life can effect a veritable evolution in consciousness. This is a master teaching in structure, spirit, and the understanding of Life in dimensional domains--a reality filled with transcendent paradigms and evolutionary phenomena for becoming the change that will initiate pivotal change in the world.”

“Predicated on the truths of quantum physics, Nicolya Christi’s bold and exciting synthesis weaves modern energy field science, including the powerful influence of astronomy, with ancient spiritual insights to reveal the vibrational fabric composing the Universe. Nicolya’s heroic intention is to awaken a sense of cosmic consciousness that will facilitate the survival of human civilization and all life on Earth. Her inclusive insights offer a pathway out of a world in chaos by enabling readers to evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators of their life experiences. Love, God, and Everything provides a bold and hopeful vision of the next ‘holistic’ stage of human civilization--and how each of us can fully participate as co-creators of the world to come. Nicolya Christi offers readers a remarkable opportunity to move beyond misperceived limitations and write new empowering stories for themselves, their children, and the world.”

“Nicolya Christi has reached a level of spiritual development that is nearly unmatched in the contemporary world. To read what she has written is to catch a glimpse of the reality that lies below the surface and makes us who we are: beings that come from love, are love, and to love will return. To fail to benefit from and to live Nicolya’s message is a crime against humanity--and against us, as intelligent and responsible members of humanity.”

“Part memoir, part spiritual primer, this book takes us on a revelatory journey throughout multi-dimensions and our own ancient history all at the same time. Thorough, unique, and profound, Nicolya’s wise voice comforts, reassures, and enlightens us. The feeling one is pervaded with when reading this sagacious work is one of having a visionary and trusted friend and guide accompany you on a sacred inner journey. If you are ready to dig deep, you will not be disappointed, but know that you just might find yourself getting so joyfully lost in this marvelous, magical, and mystical book, you might never want to come back out!”

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