Just Send the Text

An Expert's Guide to Letting Go of the Stress and Anxiety of Modern Dating


Say goodbye to the crippling stress and anxiety that come with dating in the 2020s with the dating advice all single people need.

Have you ever convinced yourself that your crush is definitely not into you because they didn’t watch your Instagram story? Have you ever pretended that you didn’t want anything serious because you assumed your potential partner didn’t want anything serious with you? Have you ever spent hours figuring out the “perfect” response to your date’s text? Well Candice Jalili, senior sex and dating writer at Elite Daily, has done all of those things and she’s here to tell you to stop. Stop giving in to your anxieties and insecurities. Stop replaying and rehashing every interaction. Stop thinking that you’re not good enough exactly the way you are. Instead, take a deep breath and just send the text.

In today’s society, dating can be stressful. And Candice gets it: between social media, dating apps, the hookup culture, and just, you know, the patriarchy—there’s no denying it; dating is hard. But there’s no reason for dating to transform you into a ball of stress. Laid out in seven easy-to-follow steps, Just Send the Text will help you to let go of any dating-related stress and anxiety by accepting that, for the right person, just being yourself is more than enough.

The book is filled with helpful tips including:
-Don’t be afraid to block someone on social media
-Embrace dating apps as one of the many ways to meet a potential partner
-Stop wasting your time trying to convince someone you’re worthy of theirs
-Being vulnerable might hurt in the short-term, but it will benefit you in the long-run

Featuring first-person interviews with real women, visual aids, and compelling statistics, Just Send the Text will give you the courage to put yourself back out there, embrace dating once again, and find a real, authentic kind of love in today’s world.

About the author(s)

Candice Jalili was born in San Francisco and raised right across the Golden Gate in Marin County. After graduating college from Santa Clara University, she decided to move to New York to work for Elite Daily, where she currently holds the title of Senior Sex and Dating Writer. Candice’s musings on relationships can also regularly be found in Cosmopolitan, Tinder Swipe Life, The Cut, Time, and more. She covers pretty much every topic you and your friends discuss over boozy brunch—from why you’re still thinking about your ex to the latest celebrity hookup. She’s also really, really, really over smart, cool women sacrificing their own sanity in an attempt to “get the guy.”


"Candice is like the ghost whisperer of millennial dating. Whether you’re just starting to put yourself out there or your heart’s been broken too many times to count, she’ll meet you exactly where you’re at—judgment free!”—Iman Hariri-Kia, sex and relationships editor at Bustle

"As the former sex and relationships editor at Cosmopolitan, Elite Daily, and Women’s Health, I wish I had Just Send the Text to give to every reader, podcast listener, and friend who ever asked me for advice. This book has EVERY ANSWER that anyone who’s currently dating or in a situationship could possibly need. And, the best part is, Candice delivers it all in her signature hilarious and self-effacing way. She also fact checks every truism with real stories from realpeople, plus cold, hard science (that honestly, even long-term cou-ples should familiarize themselves with). If you’ve ever had one of those moments where your heart is beating a million times a minute, your face is hot AF, the hairs on your arms are standing up, and your breathe is caught in your throat because you have no idea what to do next with that person you like, do yourself a huge solid and read this book. I’m not overselling it when I say the lessons in here will change your life. Trust me: I’m a former Eunice, too.”—Faye Brennan editor-in-chief of Eat This, Not That!

"Just Send the Text is the dating advice book millennial women have been waiting for. Candice Jalili is the only writer who understands the extreme specificities of dating in the modern age, and her advice is fresh, relatable, and downright hilarious. It’s impossible to finish Just Send the Text without feeling inspired to take the reins on your dating life.”—Alexia LaFata, editor at New York magazine

“In looking for love, a relationship should enhance your life rather than make you feel less than. Since self-doubt hijacks you from joy, I’m happy Candice Jalili is encouraging people to trust their intu-ition to ultimately form more fulfilling connections, within and with others.”—Jennifer Taitz, author of How to be Single and Happy

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