
Since North Ryland and Octavia March were wrenched apart and their childhood friendship destroyed, much has changed. North has had a successful career as a Bow Street runner, and has made quite a name and fortune for himself. So much so that when Octavia’s fiancé (for she is now engaged to one of the most desirable men of the town) needs to hire a man to investigate threats on Octavia’s safety, he is the only man that will do.

About the author(s)

Kathryn Smith has always loved happy endings. From the bedtime stories her wildly imaginative mother told, to the soap operas she wasn't supposed to watch, Kathryn loved to speculate as to how the characters would end up. Needless to say the entire Smith household heard about it when things did not go as young Kathryn thought they ought. Through her school years, Kathryn wrote stories and books for her friends to read. Even during college, when she studied journalism, her need to make up her own tales often drove her to late nights at the typewriter, writing about sexy men and the women they fell in love with. Fortunately, Kathryn's idea of sexy has changed over the years. Instead of rock stars and spies she writes about lords and...well, spies. The best part is she gets to share these stories with a few more people than were in her homeroom class!