
A renowned Tibetan lama’s guidance for supporting your loved ones through death and for dying without fear yourself.

“Helping our loved ones at the time of death is the best service we can offer them, our greatest gift. Why? Because death is the most important time of life: it’s at death that the next rebirth is determined.”—Lama Zopa Rinpoche

For years Lama Zopa Rinpoche envisioned a practical book to inform students of how to help loved ones have a beneficial death. How to Face Death without Fear has been compiled from years of Rinpoche’s teachings and has been lovingly edited by Venerable Robina Courtin. 

Rinpoche provides detailed advice on how to help your loved ones prepare for the end of their life with courage, acceptance, and a mind free of fear. With great care, he explains what to do in the months, weeks, and days before death, how to handle the moment itself, what to do after the breath has stopped, and finally, what to do after the mind has left the body. Rinpoche provides the mantras, prayers, and meditations appropriate for each stage. This new edition of Rinpoche’s modern classic How to Enjoy Death makes it easy for the reader to find the right practice at the right time. 

This handbook is an essential reference for Tibetan Buddhist caregivers, hospice workers, and chaplains. But, as Rinpoche points out, it is not only for people who work with the dying; it is education we all need.

You’ll find solace in this wealth of advice, and you’ll also gain the confidence to ensure that your loved one’s death—and your own—will be joyful and meaningful.


“In this new book for preparing for a healthy death process, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche shares great blessings and Wisdom particularly for Western audiences. The topic of the reality of death is not generally embraced in Western culture, however, there is a great interest and openness. Rinpoche’s clarity and blessings will be tremendously beneficial. By integrating these practices and this awareness into the Western culture, death can be transformed into a spiritual celebration rather than something heavy and dark. It will be a great blessing for everyone who reads this book. The reality of death is a very important spiritual opportunity for transformation. Rinpoche’s combined teachings and practices lead the reader to an understanding of this reality and how to transform death into merit accumulations. These teachings will help loved ones use the grieving process for spiritual transformation as well as help the person who is dying to achieve a better future life.”

Yangsi Rinpoche, president, Maitripa College

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