
On November 4, 2008, the world entered a new era as Barack Obama was elected 44th president of the United States of America. With this momentous occasion, a new generation of foot soldiers was mobilized, ready to work for and with a man who convinced them that real change was possible. “Yes we can!” became more than an election slogan. It became the mantra of a movement. Generation O is the largest demographic group in the United States. They’re armed with tech savvy and fearless optimism and are ready to change the world.

Taking inspiration from the millions of young people who supported the Obama campaign, this handbook offers ideas for creating change—in your personal life, in your neighborhood, in our country, and around the world. From suggestions on self-improvement (like learning a language or taking up meditation) to building a grassroots political base to opening electronic dialogue with people around the world, this is a handbook that outlines how the lessons of the 2008 election can be applied to personal goals and community organization. With a fun, exciting design and an optimistic approach sure to attract readers of all ages, Generation Change is a book no American citizen should miss.

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