
Three of London's most admired and desired ladies—these women share more in common than grace, beauty and charm. Each with their own special talent, together they are three of England's greatest spies.

From the Desk of Lady M

Meredith Sinclair is one of my best agents. She is stunning, witty and resourceful. She sparkles at every gala and can conquer any man with a whisper and a smile.

Her target: Tristan Archer, Marquis of Carmichael. Known as a proud and powerful member of society, he also once saved Meredith's life. She should trade on her seductive wiles and their prior relationship, if necessary.

Her mission: To uncover a treacherous plot and bring a potential traitor to justice.

Potential weaknesses: The dashing marquis's bold, intimate caress. His devilish good looks. And his devastating kiss that could bring even the best spy to her knees . . .

About the author(s)

Two of Jenna Petersen's childhood dreams wereto be a ballerina and a baseball player. Those didn't work out,but she's pleased to be following another childhood dream,writing books for a living. And what better than romance,where dreams come true on every page? Jenna lives in centralIllinois with her high school sweetheart husband andtwo taskmaster cats. She loves to hear from readers.