
**#4 on the New York Times bestseller list**

Tulsi Gabbard was the rising star of the Democrat Party. But the growing wokeness, fomenting racism, and intolerance were more than she could stomach, and she left. This is her story and a call to action to Americans who love our country and cherish peace and freedom.

Today’s Democrat Party is controlled by an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by woke ideology and racializing everything. They are a clear and present threat to the God‑given freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. 

A soldier, former member of Congress, and a former presidential candidate, Tulsi loves her country: “I answered the call to serve and swore an oath,  dedicating my life to supporting and defending the Constitution, both in uniform and in public office. I have always been an independent-minded person but became a Democrat when I first ran for office because I saw a party that stood up for the little guy, free speech, and civil liberties. That party is no more.” 

Today that party is unrecognizable: undermining free speech, antagonistic to people of faith, hostile to the police and law and order, suspicious of law‑abiding Americans, supporting open borders, and using our national security apparatus to target political opponents.

Now an Independent, Tulsi calls on those who love America to stand up for peace, defend freedom, and protect our democratic republic from those seeking to undermine it at every turn. It’s time to leave the Democrat Party behind.


"Tulsi Gabbard is one of the bravest people in the United States—and if you doubt that, consider what she’s lost for telling the truth about the most powerful people in the world." —Tucker Carlson

"Tulsi knows courage. She had the courage to serve our country. She had the courage to leave the Democrat Party. And now—in this book—has the courage to speak truth. Like her years in public life, this book pulls no punches. If you didn’t know why you love America before, this book will remind you." —Pete Hegseth, Army veteran and Bronze Star Recipient

"Tulsi and I may not agree on everything politically, but we agree on the most important things: we love our country and are committed to defending freedom. I know Tulsi’s heart, and have seen how she treats people with respect, regardless of their politics. I can always count on her to be honest, independent, and tough.  All of those qualities come through in this book. Tulsi has written a gut-check that demands the attention of anyone who feels frustrated with the establishment and left behind. There is no doubt that what she says comes straight from the heart of a true patriot." —Meghan McCain

"Tulsi Gabbard is one of the most rock solid and honorable people I’ve ever met in my life.  If the democrats and all the identity politics cult members really wanted a woman president, there’s your girl.  A veteran, deployed three times to war zones, who spent eight years serving in congress, with an impeccable record. But they didn’t want anything to do with her, and it’s entirely because of her uncompromising morals and character. Their baseless attacks on her and the blatant conspiring to keep her from ever getting close to the White House is one of the best pieces of evidence I’ve ever seen that the game is rigged, and all that woke bullshit they talk is just a long con to maintain power.  I think she would make an amazing president, and I’m honored to call her a friend." —Joe Rogan

Tulsi is a truly independent truth-teller who deeply loves our country and is willing to fight for it!   This book is a must read for all those who value freedom and are concerned about the direction of the nation. With individual rights and liberties under constant attack, Tulsi details what we must do to save the country we love and preserve individual freedoms for future generations. Tulsi bravely takes on the powers of permanent Washington and stands in the breech to defend our Constitution, and our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

-  Jack Carr, Navy SEAL Sniper and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Red Sky Mourning and Targeted: Beirut

Said in American Greatness:
“Since leaving the Democrats, Gabbard has become one of the most important voices in the nation. For Love of Country may be the most important book of 2024. If you read one political book this election year, make it this one.” - Steve Gruber

“It’s without any glee that Gabbard calls out the party she once proudly belonged to—the Democrats—as a party that has abandoned religious tolerance and become a party that seeks to undermine people of faith, and especially Christians, at every turn.”

“She is a thoughtful leader and a skilled writer, a patriot who has put her life on the line for America, and a courageous warrior in the battle of ideas as America finds itself embroiled in a cold culture war.” 

Said in PJ Media:
“Gabbard pulls the lid off Congress and reveals it for what it truly is: a club of mostly very wealthy people who have abandoned their jobs in order to keep a hold on the influence and riches that come with their jobs.” -Greg Young

“Gabbard’s "For Love of Country" is a deeply sobering read. The times we find ourselves in demand clear thinking, courage, and real American leadership. Gabbard provides all of that and more.”

“Gabbard courageously spells out the precarious spot Americans find ourselves in.”

Said in The American Spectator:
“America needs real champions of freedom. Tulsi Gabbard is… one of those champions. With this book, she has stepped up and accepted the challenge of fighting to save America from her former party, and we’re better off for it.” -Scott McKay

“Gabbard’s exposition of the Left’s militant disdain and campaign against free speech couldn’t be more timely. Or necessary, for that matter.” 

Said in Blaze Media:
“What Gabbard writes is simply true. The fact that this young lifelong military officer and public servant has the guts to say it clearly is honorable. Her words of warning speak to an America on the brink of a fundamental transformation into something no one should want.” -Mark Anthony

“Gabbard’s words of warning speak to an America on the brink of a fundamental transformation into something no one should want.” 

“Gabbard earned a reputation for telling the truth no matter the consequences and no matter who it upsets while she was in Congress. She cemented that reputation during her presidential run and after.”

Said in Entrepreneur.:
“Gabbard encourages individuals to be informed, hold leaders accountable and engage in civic activities that drive change from the ground up, no matter how difficult it may seem. “ -Jeff Fenster

“Gabbard's journey reminded me of the importance of being open to different ideas and staying active in the community. As we navigate the challenges of our time, I believe that we can all draw inspiration from Gabbard's leadership principles of humility, compassion and spiritual grounding.”

Said in The Epoch Times:
“It’s oddly reassuring that there are at least a few people in our political lives whose sincerity outweighs expediency.” -Roger L. Simon

“The work abounds with powerful denunciations—she does not mince words—of today’s Democratic Party”

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