
Simple and fast-acting self-treatment of emotional issues with acupressure points

• Illustrates how to quickly treat emotional difficulties arising from acute crises or loss and long-term issues such as depression and anxiety

• Explains how to remove the emotional blocks and scars at the root of many common physical ailments, such as eczema, ulcers, and weight gain

• Provides guidance on treating others, including babies and children, and daily treatment routines to combat stress and create emotional and energetic balance

Does emotion rule you or do you rule your emotions? With five point touch therapy, you can quickly counter negative emotional states as they arise, leaving you better able to cope with a crisis, as well as treat long-term issues such as depression and anxiety. More than just a self-help method, this technique, also called psycho-bio-acupressure (PBA), is also effective for children and babies, particularly for sleep problems and colic.

Based on Dr. Delatte’s 20 years of research and decades of hands-on practice, PBA works by sequential activation of 5 acupressure points to produce an energetic circuit in the body. This circuit can provide immediate relief from acute negative emotions and, when applied regularly, prevent future emotional overreactions and treat deep-seated destructive emotional states. The book includes 22 five-point sequences for specific emotional issues, such as panic attacks or suppressed anger, and for removing the emotional blocks and scars at the root of many common physical ailments, such as eczema, asthma, and weight gain. Dr. Delatte explains how to combine the 22 sequences to treat more than 70 additional emotional and physical ailments as well as how to use this technique with homeopathy and Bach Flower Therapy for more stubborn conditions. Providing a daily routine of self-treatment to combat stress and balance your energetic centers, this book allows you to take control of your emotions as well as protect and enhance your health.

About the author(s)

Pierre-Noël Delatte, M.D., graduated from the University of Medicine in Bordeaux as the youngest doctor of medicine in France at the age of 22. He created psycho-bio-acupressure after 20 years of research. Dr. Delatte passed away August 5, 2012, but his work is continued by the excellent team that he formed at the Delatte Institute of Psycho-Bio-Acupressure, which offers classes around the world.


“Pierre-Noël Delatte, M.D., is offering a therapy that can make swimming against an emotional current more like floating atop a pool of water, embracing the body’s energy, unlocking restrictions, and providing a balanced conduit for healing. Five Point Touch Therapy is well organized, easy to follow, easy to use, and offers an instrument in your toolbox for releasing energy blocks that threaten feelings of well-being.”

“Pierre-Noël Delatte, M.D., has provided brilliant insight for those eager to explore self-healing through his five point acupressure therapy. He clearly demonstrates and explains how, given the right conditions, acupressure therapy can naturally boost immunity, biologically produce its own medicine, and heal the body.”

“Five Point Touch Therapy or Psycho-Bio-Acupressure(PBA) simplifies the application of acupressure for everyone, not only for the is well written/translated and the diagrams are very helpful.”

“As someone who has not only done hands-on energy healing but who has also taught it for almost forty years, I found this to be an amazing, easy-to-learn system which produces both immediate and long-term results. Let your customers know that it’s better than a weekend at the spa!”

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