
Conflict is inevitable, but how we react to that conflict directly impacts our relationships. In Don’t Take the Bait to Escalate, readers will be given tools to help them understand the types of reactions that can fan the flames of a problem and those that will lead to restoration. Rooted in scripture, the reader will discover the impact conflict has upon relationships with family members, colleagues, friends, neighbors, and social media followers, and what you can do to restore any damage that may already have occurred. This book is a must-read in our cancel culture society, where conflict is the name of the game.

About the author(s)

After a decade writing ads for airlines and beer, Jay Payleitner became a freelance radio producer for Chuck Colson, Josh McDowell,, the Heritage Foundation, and Voice of the Martyrs. Now a national speaker and the author of more than twenty-five books that have sold half a million copies, Jay lives with his wife, Rita, in St. Charles, Illinois, where they raised five kids and loved on ten foster babies. Learn more at

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