
A submarine, a one-night-stand, and a forbidden workplace romance...

Kurt Garland is at a crossroads: sign for another two years as a submariner or leave and rejoin civilian life. With only weeks to make up his mind, he's torn between the financial stability and mateship of life in the Navy, and the freedom and balance outside of the military. With big life decisions on the line, Kurt needs space to think, so a one–night–stand with a sexy stranger is all he can commit to. Until his sexy stranger shows up on his submarine...

Getting accepted into the Submarine Corps was an enormous career goal for Rainy Miller, and she has no intention of screwing it up. A Marine Technician for the last eight years in the surface fleet, Rainy craves the new challenges of a submariner. With her training complete, she's about to join a boat for the first time, and her career relies on a good impression. When her one night stand shows up in the galley, she has to shut it down, walk away, pretend it never happened. But all submariners know that secrets don't stay secret for long on a sub.

About the author(s)

Shona Husk is the author of over forty books that range from sensual to scorching, and cover the contemporary, paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi romance genres. Her most recent series are Face the Music and Coven of the Raven. She lives in Western Australia and when she isn't writing or reading, she loves to cook, cross-stitch and research places she'd one day like to travel.

You can find out more at, or find Shona on Twitter and Facebook.



'Great story about being willing to compromise to make true love work. Characters are interesting and someone you could relate to.' —Do Kinn, NetGalley

'I really liked the characters chemisty. I thought the supporting characters were great, I'd be interesting in reading more about them for sure. I definitely appreciated the authors writing style.' —Melanie Stanley, NetGalley

'Shona Husk does a great job of keeping her readers turning those pages!' —Jill Warren, NetGalley

'…great characters and a really great storyline... Can't wait to see what else this author brings out next.' —Melinda Swaine, NetGalley

'This was a great read …I was hooked...I look forward to reading more from [Husk].' —Sarah Clay, NetGalley

'I liked the dialogue, pace and characters of this book. The writer stayed away from cliches so common with military romance books. It was a pleasure to read.' —Pam Hynes, NetGalley

'It was a pleasure [to read]' —Bec Clarke, NetGalley

'Had great characters and a really great storyline which I enjoyed a lot. Can't wait to see what else this author brings out next. ' —Melinda Swaine, NetGalley

'The writing style was amazing and this book came together perfectly. Full 5 stars earned!' —Aresha Lee, NetGalley

"This story had so many layers" —Contemporary Cween

'Diving into Trouble was a great read... the characters were unique & the story engaging.' —Liz Digman, NetGalley