
'The best storyteller we've had on the show' Kyle Sandilands, Kyle & Jackie O, KIIS FM

Welcome to the secret world of the Uber driver. Ben Phillips enjoys an intimate glimpse into the lives of ordinary people around Sydney -- from their morning routines to their despair after a date gone wrong, the trip out to the city and the drunken ride home afterwards. He acts as a sounding board, takes the rap for loud music, sees people at their finest and weakest, and most importantly gets to observe a cast of thoroughly extraordinary characters that make a big metropolis.

Featured on ABC The Drum, The Today Show and KIIS FM, Ben Phillips' wry wit and insight have taken Sydney by storm. Diary of an Uber Driver is a snapshot of our unerring propensity to share, and overshare, from the safe anonymity of the back seat. These are your stories -- whether you remember telling them or not.