
A mysterious and dangerous conspiracy deepens, threatening the superpowered Rangers and pushing Flex to join forces with one of her team's mortal enemies: a Bane called Chimera.

Growing up with blue skin never made Rene "Flex" Duvall feel like at outcast. She learned early on to put people at ease with her wit and exuberant personality. So she's certainly not going to let her façade crack when she and her teammates suddenly face a new breed of genetically manipulated and brainwashed Metas: the well-trained teenage criminals known as the Recombinants.

When a desperate battle leaves one of their friends wounded, Renee and Ethan follow a clue to Manhattan Island, where the Banes have been imprisoned. There they find a Bane named Chimera, who refuses to cooperate despite possessing information that could help them stop the Recombinants. Chimera's emotional scars are as devastating as Renee's physical scars, and soon the two find common ground in shared pain. Against her better judgment, Renee forms an alliance with this Bane. They both can gain much from working together, so the only question is who has more to lose by cooperating…

About the author(s)

A native of the Delaware seashore, Kelly Meding lives in Maryland, with a neurotic cat that occasionally meows at ghosts. After discovering Freddy Krueger at a very young age, Kelly began a lifelong obsession with horror, science fiction, and fantasy, on which she blames her interest in vampires, psychic powers, superheroes, and all things paranormal. When not writing, she can be found crafting jewelry, enjoying a good cup of coffee, or scouring the Internet for gossip on her favorite television shows.


“Rising star Meding offers up the first book in a new series with her twist on the world of superheroes. . . . This story follows the journey of a young woman finding her place in a world that is about to grow much more treacherous.”

“Meding successfully captures the action-packed pace of superhero team comics with her group of colorful young adventurers.” 

“Dark and gritty, heroic and horrifying, not to mention intense aptly describe Meding’s work. . . . I can honestly say that I loved this book more than any other I have read by Meding. Her love of comic books, X-Men, and the like comes through every single page. She pulls no punches, takes you to the heart of her characters so that you share their joy and their sorrow. . . . I can’t wait to see what else is in store for Trance and the gang!”