
Examines 21 unquestioned assumptions that cloud our collective consciousness

• Reveals faulty thinking and conceptual blindspots that distort beliefs in science, philosophy, and spirituality--from “the universe exploded from nothing in a Big Bang” to “we create our own reality”

• Explains how “thought viruses” spread as we use these clichéd assumptions in our daily communications

We live in a world filled with clichés--convenient assumptions and unquestioned conclusions that many of us use without giving them a second thought. We all spread these “thought viruses,” infecting everyone we come in contact with. But many of these blindspots in how we think about ourselves and the world do not withstand rigorous scrutiny--or even casual scrutiny in some cases--yet they fall out of the mouths of scientists, religious teachers, journalists, and authors with dumbfounding frequency.

Over the years philosopher Christian de Quincey spotted these cognitive gremlins in books, blogs, websites, TV shows, movies, classrooms, and casual conversations--and he wondered: Why do so many people speak before thinking, spreading ideas that make no sense, yet fool us into thinking they do? How did these unquestioned beliefs about life, space, time, energy, consciousness, evolution, artificial intelligence, and even God take hold in our collective consciousness?

In this book, de Quincey deliberately provokes and illuminates the dark side of jumping to conclusions, casting a skeptical eye on 21 beliefs that keep science, philosophy, and spirituality in the dark--from “the universe exploded from nothing in a Big Bang” and “we create our own reality” to “nobody knows what consciousness is” and “everything is energy.” These ideas distort and block our understanding and openness to important questions about life, the universe, mind, matter, God, and the miraculous.

By exposing these thought viruses that take our minds hostage when we fail to think things through, de Quincey aims to help change the way we think not just about thinking but also about how we live our lives, interact with others, and contemplate the world around us.

About the author(s)

Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy and consciousness studies at John F. Kennedy University; academic director for Conscious Evolution at The Graduate Institute; founder of The Wisdom Academy, offering personal mentorships in consciousness and conscious evolution; and an international speaker on consciousness, cosmology, and spirituality. He is the author of the award-winning Radical Nature, Radical Knowing, Consciousness from Zombies to Angels, and a novel, Deep Spirit. He lives in California.


BlindSpots is a delightful book to read. It will make you think about ideas you secretly hunger to discuss deeply. Every chapter is bound to get you into a rich dialogue, if not with others, then at least within yourself. Read this book and you will go deep.”

“In BlindSpots, Christian de Quincey pulls back the veil on the thoughtless, delusional ways we too often communicate. It’s not just that these shortcuts are wrong, they are also dangerous because they lead to behaviors and beliefs that our fragile species can no longer afford. This very wise, engaging book should be at the top of the reading list of everyone who is concerned about our future.”

“In this book, Christian de Quincey illuminates some of the biggest blindspots that keep people stuck. Be prepared to be challenged about ideas you probably take for granted. Be prepared to be amused and inspired.”

“This important book by Christian de Quincey shows that by questioning our own assumptions more carefully we can arrive at a deeper and more accurate understanding of life’s complexities. De Quincey brings vitality and excitement to scientific, philosophical, metaphysical, and spiritual issues. I recommend this book for almost everyone.”

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