
The Battlecats return home victorious after their battle with the Blood Priests, but their celebration is short-lived. Myrthalen reveals the truth about the Lizard God and her plans for Valderia. Meanwhile, Natharien makes a decision that will either turn the war in their favor, or lead Valderia to its demise.

About the author(s)

Mark London is the CEO & Creative Director of independent publisher Mad Cave Studios, as well as the author of multiple hit series including Battlecats, Wolvenheart, Honor & Curse, Knights of The Golden Sun. His central focus is to provide a compelling experience through action-driven storytelling and immense world building with the goal of giving readers more than just a comic.

Michael Camelo is a comic book artist fascinated by the ninth art in all of its forms. Autodidact (for the most part) with an open mind to the teachings of everyday life. Fan of the illustrating styles of artists such as Jim Lee, Jee Hyung Lee, Joe Madureira and many more. With an incredible attention to detail, Michael gives the Battlecats characters and Valderia’s regions their distinct features, bringing each page to life.