
A look at the mythic, archetypal, and transformational aspects of Snake

• Explores how and why Snake was transformed from esteemed advisor and guardian of ancient wisdom to a symbol of deception and evil

• Examines Snake’s healing powers, its role in awakening kundalini, and its connections to dreams, shamanism, alchemy, and the Goddess

• Shares transformational stories and practical ways that Snake can help us travel through the imaginal realm, gather treasure from the psyche, and shed outgrown aspects of self

Entwined with human consciousness since prehistoric times, Snake has always been associated with transformation--from the shedding of its skin to the rising of kundalini energy. In ancient times, Snake served as protector and advisor to gods, goddesses, and royalty. But with the story of Adam and Eve, Snake became the enemy--a tempter and deceiver. How did this happen and why do humans continue to fear and vilify Snake? Inspired by a vivid dream of an immense snake that lost its tail, animal communicator Dawn Baumann Brunke investigates the interwoven history of Snake and humanity and explores how we can once again access Snake’s wisdom and harness its powerful ability to heal, transform, and awaken.

Uncovering ties between Snake and Goddess, the author demonstrates how both were systematically suppressed millennia ago with the spread of a patriarchal perspective that valued mastery over nature, God over Goddess. Brunke reveals how myths that originally extolled the virtues of Snake and Goddess were refashioned, recreating their images as debased and untrustworthy. She explores why snakes show up in shamanic journeys and transformational dreams and how their unique presence in our world can serve as catalysts of change, truth-telling, and enlightenment.

Examining Snake’s role in awakening human consciousness, Brunke considers the alchemical role of the serpent as well as Snake’s connections to ancient healing, modern medicine, and even the DNA molecule. She shares psycho-activating stories to help trigger transformation and provide graceful movement through the chaos of change. And she offers practical techniques to journey with Snake through inner worlds, to shed confining aspects of self, and to integrate experiences more holistically.

Brunke shows how we need to re-embrace the ancient power of Snake to better support our return to a more balanced consciousness--one that reunites nature with spirit, sacred masculine with sacred feminine--as we strive for global change and personal awakening.

About the author(s)

Dawn Baumann Brunke is a writer and editor who specializes in the areas of healing, dreaming, spirituality, animal communication, and deepening our connection with all life. The author of Animal Voices: Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life, Shapeshifting with Our Animal Companions, and Animal Voices, Animal Guides, she lives with her husband, daughter, and animal friends in Alaska.

Visit her web site at


“As a nature enthusiast and avid hiker, I have long known that snakes are not the frightful creatures that we have made them out to be. Dawn Brunke sets the record straight by clearly showing our emotional reaction to snakes is vastly out of proportion to the actual danger they present. Entertaining, informative, and masterfully written, this book not only goes well beyond anything you might expect to read about snakes but also shows how Snake’s story is deeply interwoven with our own and continues to influence us today in a multitude of ways. Continuously revitalizing itself by shedding its old skin, Snake symbolizes the global need for renewal and transformation. We must find a way to ‘shed our old skin’ of polarity and separation consciousness and find our way into the heart-space of oneness if we are to survive and thrive as a species.”

“Reading this book is profound, healing, and life-changing. Dawn Brunke guides us on a journey of exploration and transformation as we enter into a relationship with Snake. We are helped to overcome our fears and be willing to meet Snake face-to-face, as it lives in our world and also resides within our bodies and our psyches. Dawn then helps us to deepen in this relationship with Snake by following an amazing serpentine path through dreams, mythology, history, science, and direct experience. This book is timely as it guides us to shed the skins of our past ways of being and open to Snake’s wisdom and understanding of unity consciousness. Through Snake, we can remember and reclaim the integration of the sacred feminine and sacred masculine to heal ourselves and come into wholeness, and we can then return to right relationship and harmony with each other and with all of life.”

“Bravo for the epic narrative that Dawn Baumann Brunke spins while taking the reader on an evocative and exhilarating journey of mind, body, and soul in search of the ancient tale/tail of Snake medicine. Shakti Kundalini energy is our sacred birthright and will rise again when we find the courage and willingness to harness the shamanic wisdom of Snake that lives within to awaken and transform our lives.”

“Brunke shows with elegance and power how Spirit of Snake speaks to human awakening and spiritual evolution. Teacher of healing powers, she is coiled within us, wrapping around our consciousness as the forgotten Goddess of our DNA. Wonderful and unique book!”

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