Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt

The Secret History Hidden in the Valley of the Kings


Shows how a desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis

• Reveals that Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings was designed not to keep intruders out, but to trap something inside

• Provides forensic evidence proving that the mask believed to be the face of Tutankhamun is actually that of his elder brother Smenkhkare

In Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt, Graham Phillips explores the excavation of a mysterious and ritually desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Tomb 55, which he contends holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis. Unlike other Egyptian tombs designed to keep intruders out, Tomb 55 was constructed to keep something imprisoned within, specifically Smenkhkare, the older brother of Tutankhamun who was deemed responsible for the ten plagues in Egyptian history, to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again. The forensic findings from this tomb coupled with compelling new evidence from the polar ice caps provide sensational evidence that the parting of the Red Sea, the deaths of the first born, and the other plagues that afflicted Egypt were all actual historical events.

Core samples from the polar ice caps indicate that a gigantic volcanic eruption took place in the eastern Mediterranean around the time of Amonhotep’s reign. Other research suggests this to have been the time of the eruption that destroyed the Greek island of Thera, one of the likely locations of Atlantis, and that the subsequent cataclysm may explain the unusual lack of resistance to the new religion installed by Amonhotep’s son, Akhenaten, when he took power several years later.

About the author(s)

Graham Phillips is the author of The End of Eden, The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant, Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt, The Chalice of Magdalene, and The Moses Legacy. He lives in the Midlands of England.


“Graham Phillips’s real contribution to what might be called the world of alternative ancient history is his connection of the natural disasters and ­phenomena described in Exodus with the eruption of Thera. . . . Plausibly argued.”

"An entertaining read."

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