I AM Bold and Fearless Woman Magazine

Embracing Education: The Future of Black Women in Higher Education

Natalie Juane Walthrust Jones


Writing the article "The Future of Black Women in Higher Education" was a rewarding exercise. It allowed me to showcase the privilege and honor of teaching within a higher education institutio­n, the Barbados Community College, and pursuing an EdD in Education.

The article was written for an inaugural publicatio­n for "I am Bold and Fearless Woman Magazine," which was published in March 2022 for Internatio­nal Women’s Day and debuted in Nigeria. Being featured alongside women of color to launch this magazine was special to me as the Editor is a past student of Government and Political Studies, of which I am the Coordinato­r and Head of Department. She has continued to excel in her chosen area of the creatives while helping women to embrace self-love and give themselves grace despite the hardships faced along the road of discovery, self-developmen­t, love, spirituali­ty, and life generally.

Queen Mindset engenders the ability that we as women have and can tap into once we understand how to do so. There is nothing wrong with needing help and learning new traits that enhance your ability to function at the highest possible level and allow your growth and true potential to be seen and displayed. We as black women are the quintessen­ce of all that mankind has embodied for the female and more. As the true nurturers of our societies, we are called to embrace a higher calling that allows our spirituali­ty to show forth along with our strength.

As we journey in academia and continue to rise while sharing our knowledge base with our peoples, we know that we are the future in higher education in this digital divide and that we are pushing forward in this global village of the third decade of the 21st century.


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