Woman's Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for SEP 16-22


Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

Feeling miffed about someone’s behaviour? Lower that bar a little, and remind yourself that no one’s perfect (including your loved ones). As standards are relaxed, singles may find their options expanding, while at work, a well-deserved compliment could await. STAR TIP Everyone will need more space this week, so don’t over-organise things. SOPHIA LOREN The iconic starlet celebrates her 90th birthday on September 20.

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

As the wise folk say, every cloud has a silver lining. This week’s Super Moon could bring a reality check, but it might also prompt you to take a positive step. To counterbal­ance the intensity, treat yourself to a feel-good outing, then indulge in a spot of pampering.

STAR TIP Dreaming of getting away? These stars could throw up an irresistib­le deal.

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

Express yourself! With creative stars shining, it’s time to explore your crafty side or find your inner writer. Parents may find this week’s eclipse ringing in changes for a child or the family as a whole. Look out for an energetic pastime that you can all enjoy.

STAR TIP Do you believe in fate? A strange coincidenc­e might prove to be anything but.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

Stick to your principles, and don’t let yourself be dragged into something murky – it will only end in tears. These extroverte­d stars could push you into the spotlight, or a project that’s close to your heart might showcase your skills. Believe in yourself!

STAR TIP Wear a blue gemstone near your throat to enhance your speaking skills.

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

Itching for something more? For many Goats, horizons are expanding and options are opening up. Your links to a local group may be fading, but a stimulatin­g new cycle is about to unfold. Games and sporting events should be fun, so as they say, just do it!

STAR TIP Mix-ups and misunderst­andings are on the cards, so wait for confirmati­on.

Aquarius JAN 21 – FEB 19

It wouldn’t be “eclipse season” without a few little surprises! A brewing problem might bubble over, but hey, you might catch a glimpse of what’s really going on. If expenses have escalated, steps taken over the coming weeks might save you a small fortune.

STAR TIP Online or boot sales could prove lucrative, so why not start declutteri­ng?

Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20

Someone’s behaviour may have hit a nerve, but rather than get angry, get active. Throw yourself into a spring clean, finish off a few repairs at home or haul out some old exercise gear. For couples, an exotic bedroom makeover might be money well spent.

STAR TIP Curious about a family secret? Pull out your best sherry and get chatting.

Aries MAR 21 – APR 20

Have you turned into a worry wart lately? Distractio­n is your best tactic this week, so forget about chores and schedule in some fun. Catch a comedy, hit the dance floor or throw an impromptu party. And listen out for an offbeat idea that gets you excited – it might really work.

STAR TIP Spritz lavender or bergamot oil around your home to banish bad vibes.

Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

What do you really want? This week’s eclipse might present you with a dilemma, but with a little soul searching, your next step will be obvious. In the meantime, say “yes” to a weekend catch-up. Under Neptune’s escapist vibes, resistance will be futile.

STAR TIP It might be hard, but sometimes people need to fight their own battles.

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

Whoa there, Gemini. Innocent comments could snowball this week, so think long and hard before you speak, especially if loved ones are involved. On a brighter note, your social sector is beginning to sparkle, and for singles, that inner glow could act like a beacon.

STAR TIP A good declutter, either literally or psychologi­cally, should be therapeuti­c.

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

Tempers could flare under the midweek eclipse, but don’t feel guilty – a relationsh­ip may have run its course. What you need most is the company of like-minded people. If you need to let off steam, lunchtime strolls or fitness sessions might do the job nicely.

STAR TIP Eco-warrior alert! Greener habits or appliances are heading your way.

Leo JULY 24 – AUG 23

It’s time to take action, Leo. Ditch the things that aren’t working, and instead focus on streamlini­ng your life. If a decision involving your home or finances has been creating stress, these insightful stars could throw up some interestin­g solutions. Keep an open mind!

STAR TIP Pop a citrine crystal into your purse for abundance and good fortune.

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