Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Nothing Easy for gutsy horse

- Trainer David Mccolm on Far Too Easy Ben Dorries

I did say goodbye to him, I thought it was the end

Far Too Easy was so critically ill with colitis earlier this year that his tearful trainer David Mccolm hugged his favourite horse and said a final goodbye.

“I did say goodbye to him, I thought it was the end,” an emotional Mccolm recalled.

“I started crying, I said we can kiss him goodbye.

“He didn’t even look the same horse, he looked terrible.

“He probably lost 70kg and if you can imagine underneath his jaw, there was a whole lot of fluids as all of the protein went out of his body.

“There was also a big lot of fluid under his neck, down his chest and under his stomach, it was like he was carrying a lot of footballs inside him. I thought if we could somehow save him it would be great, but my feeling was that if he survived he definitely wouldn’t race again.”

Incredibly, it isn’t the first time Far Too Easy has cheated death.

He also survived when deadly floodwater­s swept through his Murwillumb­ah stables and then he overcame a nasty bacterial infection.

The horse they could make a movie about makes his latest incredible comeback at Eagle Farm on Saturday, lining up there en route to his quest to score the $2m The Kosciuszko in Sydney next month.

Far Too Easy was snapped up by a Kosciuszko slot-holder this week and is a $6 chance for rich race.

But he would have been much longer odds just to cling to life earlier this year.

“The vet said he was doing everything that he could,” Mccolm said.

“The horse was very, very ill but the vet said we should just try to stabilise him. We couldn’t feed him because it was just running through him. But on the fifth day he started to eat.

“The vet then came out and said he thought he was definitely going to make it.”

Far Too Easy, who boasts an electric turn of foot, has finished third and second in the last two runnings of The Kosciuszko.

Far Too Easy is rated a $2.80 chance to make a winning return in the Quality Handicap (1000m) at Eagle Farm.

 ?? ?? Murwillumb­ah trainer David Mccolm with his star horse Far Too Easy.
Murwillumb­ah trainer David Mccolm with his star horse Far Too Easy.

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