Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin




German-born composer George Frideric Handel finishes his Messiah oratorio, after working on it non-stop for 24 days in London.


NSW Corps officer and pioneer farmer John Macarthur is arrested straight after a duel with his superior, Captain Robert Paterson, and will be sent to England for a court-martial that never happens.


Napoleon Bonaparte enters Moscow and Russians set fires throughout the city.


Bank of Australia in Sydney is robbed of a large sum by a gang who break into the strongroom by a tunnel from a water drain. The bank will never recover from the loss. 1847

US forces capture Mexico City in a conflict over Texas.


Transconti­nental railway work begins as the governor-general, Lord Denman, turns the first sod at Port Augusta on the line to Kalgoorlie.


Germany’s Nazi Party wins 18 per cent of the vote, making it the second largest party and putting Adolf Hitler on the road to power. 1978

Beginning of five-day IRA bombing campaign across towns in Northern Ireland, which sees 50 bombs exploded and 37 injured. 2001

Administra­tors Pricewater­houseCoope­rs grounds all Ansett flights, leaving tens of thousands stranded. 15,000 staff are affected by the collapse.


Channel 7’s Naomi Robson and her TV crew are deported from the Indonesian province of Papua after a failed mission to rescue a six-year-old boy supposedly about to be eaten by his cannibal tribe.

Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the UN. Another leadership spill results in a change of Australian Prime Ministers with the Liberal Party’s Malcolm Turnbull ousting Tony Abbott for the job.

1999 2015

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