Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Text the Editor

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Watching the Melbourne riots and I want to support police but these were the same mob bashing old people , stomping on teenagers and arresting anyone that moved during covid and I can’t feel anything but contempt for them . Sad

Do we really care what is happening in Victoria ?? No. It is a bankrupt nutty state where the lunatics are running amok and the police has no control. Where was the state premier yesterday ?? No where to be seen, as usual. Enough said.

Just include “break DANCING” as an event in the Olympics and get rid of “breaking”. It’s not even funny anymore. There are amazing break dancers around the world and their participat­ion would be a highlight.

After reading numerous media reports about devastated buyers having their contracts for off the plan luxury apartments having their sunset clauses invoked by developers and liquidator­s, I received a text from a prominent real estate agent extolling the benefits of buying a unit off the plan. Seriously!

How come phones don’t come with “instructio­n manuals?” Guess the idea is to just look it up “online,” eh? Um, how you do dat when phone isn’t even set up yet???? Guess it’s like chicken/egg dilemma & more recently, how to open today’s heavily packed scissors without scissors?? Ah geez, buggered if I bloody know these days!!!!!!!!!

Reminder: Mining is small in the Australian economy and gov budgets. Just 5c in every dollar of gov revenue is from mining. 95% of your services are funded by other industries. ajs

Once again, the leftists are protecting Kamala Harris. She is all talk but no substance. She will be found out when she comes to deal with Putin, Xi Jinping or Kim Jong Un. Even now, she hasn’t done anything as the VP.

Ask yourself, if you was an American citizen and a strong desire for world peace, and want all these hostile countries brought under control, would you vote for a giggling flimsy female President, or a tough powerhouse of a man capable of standing up to these hostile countries who will accomplish world peace? This question applies to Albo’s weakness as well. Kenw.

Trump said that pet cats and dogs were being eaten by Illegal peoples crossing the border! So we have a solution for our roaming cats in our cities and any vicious dogs! We can send them all over to the Mexico , and US border! Cause the cross border illegals are starving !

Reading the Bulletins messages. I found that a lot of people are saying that this is the worst Government Australia has ever had. I think that they are being to kind. ALBONERO and his lot are way worse than the worst government. ALBONERO’S mismanagem­ent is probably never going to be repaired. I do hope that Peter Dutton gets in, though I don’t envy the task his team will have to undertake to fix up this disaster. Dave, Palm Beach

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