Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin


- Solution in Monday’s paper


Someone who finds fault (6)

4. Savage (9)

9. Finished (4)

11. Paddle (3)

12. Conclude (3)

13. Visible sign of boredom (4)

15. Rooftop room (5)

16. The start, for a golfer (3)

17. Percussion instrument (4)

19. Large stringed instrument (4)

21. Shove (4)

23. Bind (3)

24. Obstacle (6)

26. Tidy (4)

27. Japanese currency (3)

28. Mimic (3)

30. Illegal ticket seller (4)

31. Sparkle (5)

32. Large edible fish (5)

34. Rear of a ship (5)

35. English city (4)

36. Leave out (4)

38. Share a boundary (4)

39. Molecule (4)

40. Quagmire (6)

44. Sweet potato (3)

45. Asian temple (6)

46. Large-scale, impressive

48. Spar (4)

50. Pour out (6)

51. Jump on one foot (3)

53. Named (6)

57. Bloodsucki­ng insect (4)

58. Dry (4)

59. Trim (4)

61. Flower (4)

63. Passenger ship (5)

65. Fit of extravagan­ce (5)

67. Lock of hair (5)

68. Pack animal (4)

69. Drink/meal (3)

70. Sharp explosive sound (3)

71. Outstandin­g performer (4)

72. Drive away (6)

75. Intention (3)

76. Terrain (4)

79. Smudge (4)

81. Pace (4)

82. Many a time (archaic) (3)

83. Publicity event (abbr) (5)

84. Repast (4)

85. Downcast (3)

86. Organise (an event) (3)

87. Delicate decorative fabric (4)

88. Forthright (9)

89. Visible, but distant (6)


1. Coded message (10)

2. Prized game fish (4)

3. South America rodent (5)

4. Plait (5)

5. Fall back (7)

6. Hidden or secret knowledge (6)

7. Pariah (7)

8. Leak slowly (4)

9. Likelihood (4)

10. Any animal that chews the cud (8)

14. Any time (8)

18. Tempo, cadence (6)

20. Diamond shape (7)

22. On top of (4)

25. Relaxation (4)

29. Small-minded (5)

30. Proclaim (7)

33. Fabric for military uniform (5)

34. Imprint (5)

36. Should (5)

37. Small, independen­t film company (abbr) (5)

41. Drama set to music (5)

42. Semi-precious stone (5)

43. Release (3,4)

47. Cautious (5)

49. Person of advancing years (5)

52. Hesitate (5)

54. Put in place (7)

55. Free (8)

56. Different (10)

59. Recommenda­tion (8)

60. Crease (6)

62. Harvest (4)

63. Open pastry with fruit or custard filling (4)

64. Drumming sound (3-1-3)

66. Field (7)

69. Stumble (4,2)

73. Bound by oath (5)

74. Very dark black (5)

77. Church recess (4)

78. Extinct bird (4)

80. Portent (4)

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