Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Renewables push sends Australia to the poor house

- Melissa Mcintosh Melissa Mcintosh is opposition spokeswoma­n on energy affordabil­ity

In every community across the country, Australian­s are suffering financiall­y. Families who have never needed social housing are now on a wait list, food banks are not only providing essential items but are now paying people’s power bills. And the latest Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) report shows things have just become even worse.

The report states that because it has been cold, people have been using more power. This is logical.

What isn’t logical is the Albanese Labor Government’s over-reliance on unreliable renewable energy.

And this quarter, wind generation is down 20 per cent and hydro power is down 18 per cent. Therefore, gas has had to step in, with an increase in gas generation of 16 per cent. Coal, meanwhile, is up 7 per cent.

Unfortunat­ely, the Albanese Government has stifled gas supply as it doesn’t really like gas, so guess what – that means gas costs more. The end result is a 23 per cent increase in overall energy production prices.

Who pays for this? Australian­s. Just when people can’t take much more.

Labor’s $300 energy handout doesn’t even scratch the surface, when people are already paying $1000 more than the Labor Party promised they would at the 2022 election, when they were spruiking $275 off people’s energy bills.

More than 600 families have been going into financial hardship with their energy retailer every week since Labor took office.

There are many factors affecting the ability of everyday Australian­s to continue to wear the burden of this cost-of-living crisis.

Those with mortgages are on tenterhook­s as to whether the RBA will raise rates again. On top of this, why should they also have to carry this government’s fixation on renewables-only energy, when it is clearly not working?

With wholesale prices reported at $133 per megawatt hour, it is logical these costs are going to flow through to bills, especially when Labor has the country locked into its plan.

The costs will also hit gas-reliant small businesses, especially manufactur­ers.

It’s not only about prices.

The AEMO notified the government of a risk to gas reserves from June through to September due to a rise in heating needs over winter. Quite simply, this means the power could go out.

Only the Coalition will deliver a plan for long-term energy security with nuclear, alongside gas and renewables. This combinatio­n of energy sources will ensure reliabilit­y in the grid, bring prices down for families and keep our manufactur­ers onshore.

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