Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin





5 What British car’s name was originally the name of an 1884 tricycle? (5)

8 What is the study of religion? (8)

9 What is the capital of India? (5)

10 What are small deposits of melanin in the skin, caused by exposure to sunlight? (8)

11 Which computer language is formed from the words “algorithmi­c language”? (5) 14 What is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet? (3)

16 Which fictitious doctor used a drug to create a separate evil personalit­y? (6)

17 What family features in H E Bates’s The Darling Buds of May? (6)

18 Which secret police organisati­on was dissolved in 1991? (3)

20 Which many-headed monster’s blood killed Hercules? (5)

24 What was one occupation of Gypsy Rose Lee? (8)

25 Who created Tintin? (5)

26 In 1815, who surrendere­d to the captain of HMS Belleropho­n? (8)

27 Which American became known as the “Pickle King”? (5)


1 What anagram of “tiffs” is the label that recorded Elvis Costello’s first album My Aim is True? (5)

2-3 What name is shared by a New Zealand yachtsman and the designer of the Beatles’ Sgt Peppers album cover? (5,5)

4 Who, in 829, was hailed as Bretwalda, “sole ruler of Britain”? (6)

6 What (“Operation ____”) was the codename for D-day? (8)

7 Addis Ababa is the capital of which country? (8)

12 Which synthetic polyester fabric is based on terephthal­ic acid? (8)

13 What is the lightest known substance? (8)

14 Which is the largest living deer? (3)

15 What is the long white vestment clerics wear? (3)

19 Batman lives where? (6)

21 Who lost the 1960 presidenti­al election to Kennedy? (5)

22 Three major WWI battles were fought near which Belgian town? (5)

23 What unit of currency is worth 100 centimes? (5)

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