Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Bell tolls for urgent housing fix

- Aleisha Dawson

Gold Coast real estate industry leader Andrew Bell is urging all levels of government to unite to ease the country’s housing crisis.

Mr Bell, a Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) board member, said local, state and federal government­s needed to unplug the blockages create incentives to encourage rapid constructi­on of new housing.

The Ray White Surfers Paradise Group chairman said: “There is an array of very clear steps that need to be taken to address supply issues. It’s still a case of a lot of talk and little action.

“To get true effectiven­ess it’s absolutely necessary for the three levels of government to

work cooperativ­ely rather than independen­tly of one another.

“The longer it takes, the longer he longer this housing crisis will stay.

“It will require the combined efforts of government­s to work through this crisis. The REIA will do everything it can to continue to guide this effort as well as apply a degree of urgency in discussion­s at all levels.”

Mr Bell recently returned from the REIA Centenary Congress in Hobart, focused on key issues affecting the housing market including changing demographi­cs and demand, impact of AI, risks associated with cyberattac­ks and how to provide the best workplace environmen­t.

“The Congress really galvanised the issues the industry is facing at present and helped crystallis­e the steps that need to be taken to fast-track clear pathways to real solutions to the housing crisis.

“While many issues such as immigratio­n are touted as the cause of the housing crisis, the real reason is decades of under constructi­on of new housing,” he said.

 ?? ?? Andrew Bell.
Andrew Bell.

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