Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin


- Solution in Monday’s paper





Despondenc­y (7) Extent (5) Slender, graceful woman (5)

12. Detest (5)

13. Vase (3)

14. Master (5)

15. Put one’s name down (5)

16. Present (5)

18. Bouquet (5)

20. Numeral (5)

21. Belief there is no god (7)

23. Portent (4)

25. Furious (5)

27. Tardy (4)

29. Undue speed (5)

31. Territory (4)

33. Excessivel­y controllin­g religious group (4)

34. Mythical creature (4)

36. Matter-of-fact (9)

39. Snakelike fish (3)

40. Martial art (6)

43. Rooster’s crow (4-1-6-3)

46. Candid and honest (4)

47. Oaf (4)

49. Tallboy (5,2,7)

54. Sign (6)

56. Reference to another person (3)

57. Distressin­g (9)

61. Care for (4)

64. Supporter (4)

66. Sore (4)

67. Lubricated (5)

68. Trepidatio­n (4)

70. Guide (5)

72. Military dining room (4)

74. Agent of someone’s downfall (7)

76. Entice (5)

78. Pedal (5)

80. Large truck (5)

81. Greeting (5)

82. Political doctrine (5)

83. Pair (3)

84. Hurl (5)

85. Splash/slop (5)

86. Theme (5)

87. Authorise (7)


1. Put something by (inf) (4,4)

2. Tie for first in a race (4,4)

3. Boredom (Fr) (5)

4. Seasoned sausage (6)

5. Wave away (4)

6. Reverie (5)

7. Thin layer or sheen (6)

8. Leap over (6)

9. Kiss amorously (inf) (4)

10. Raise up (4)

11. Resentment sentiment (4,8)

17. Concluding (5)

19. Internet device (5)

22. Smack (4)

24. Over the moon (6)

26. By way of (L) (3)

28. Reprimand (4,3)

29. Hawaiian dance (4)

30. Sheer (5)

32. Wobbly (7)

35. Sense of self (3)

37. Marsupial (abbr) (3)

38. Run around (3)

41. Bottom (4)

42. Treat superficia­lly (3,4)

43. Intense anxiety (inf) (12)

44. Dreary (4)

45. Block, obstruct (7)

48. Standard (5)

50. Make certain (6)

51. Unconsciou­s (3)

52. Animal’s lair (3)

53. Sprint (3)

55. Combine (4)

58. Mildly intoxicate­d (5)

59. Sick (3)

60. Portal (4)

62. Vision (8)

63. Talk out of (8)

65. Prise (5)

68. Nautical measure of depth (6)

69. Trinket worn to ward off evil (6)

71. Nervous (2,4)

73. Pour scorn (5)

75. In the middle of (5)

76. Threesome (4)

77. Fable (4)

79. Short golf shot (4)

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