Warragul & Drouin Gazette

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Our green certificat­e winners this week are Peyton Masterson and Olive Murnane for their colourings of a pirate with treasure. Peyton used coloured Texta to colour in her picture which made it really pop. I liked the pirate’s orange hair and how it contrasted well with the green feathers in her hat. The bird in Peyton’s picture was really cool. I liked how the bird had lots of different colours and how they didn’t blend together because Peyton was careful to stay inside the lines. Well done Peyton!

Olive used a mix of pencils and Texta to colour her picture. I liked how she shaded the brown treasure box, it made the wood look old and weathered. The bird on the treasure chest matched the colours of the feathers in the pirate’s hat. I liked how Olive outlined the pirate’s mouth and eyes to make her facial expression stand out more. The treasure in the chest looked very shiny and the way Olive coloured it made the chest look really full. Well done Olive!

Olive also receives a yellow certificat­e for her picture of a dog with a bone. Olive used a combinatio­n of brown and purple to colour in her dog and the kennel. The colours reminded me of a cartoon character! I liked how Olive coloured in the garden in the background of her picture. She used three different shades of green Texta to colour in all the different plants which created depth and dimension to the picture. Good work Olive!

Sophie Bloye is our other yellow certificat­e winner for her colouring of a pirate with treasure. Sophie got creative and added extra details into the background of her colouring. She created a desert island scene with a coconut tree which helped tell the story of the pirate sailing across the sea to find the treasure. Sophie even added a small island with a tree into the background of the picture.

I liked how she outlined the pirate hat and the skull and crossbones with purple Texta and a sparkly gel pen. Well done Sophie!

Chloe Mitchell is our red certificat­e winner for her colouring of a pirate with treasure. Chloe’s picture had a rainbow theme which I thought was really cool.

The wood panels on the treasure chest were all different colours which made up a rainbow pattern. The pirate’s hair was also shaded to create a rainbow effect which I thought was very pretty. I liked how Chloe coloured the treasure inside the chest, all the different colours made it look like something from a fairytale. Good work Chloe! Juniors:

Our green certificat­e winners this week are Jaxson Zerafa and Niamh Jensen. Jaxson coloured a picture of a dog with a bone. I liked the way he coloured the dogs fur, he used multiple shades of brown pencil to add depth and texture to the fur.

I also liked the dog’s big blue eyes and bright purple collar. Jaxson did a great job colouring in the garden in the background of the picture.

I liked how he used different shades of green for the different plants and the little colourful flowers on the hedge. Jaxson even addOur

overall winner this week is Jaxson Zerafa for his picture of a dog with a bone. Jaxson did a great job of adding texture to his picture by using multiple colours.

I liked how he made all the different sections of

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