Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Youth theatre present: “Hammered”


by Bonnie Collings

Prepare to travel to Asgard and see your favourite heroes like never before when Warragul Youth Theatre bring “Hammered - a Thor and Loki Play” to the West Gippsland Arts Centre these school holidays.

Performing seven shows between October 1 and 4 in WGAC theatre two, “Hammered” takes audiences on an exhilarati­ng and humorous journey through the tumultuous relationsh­ip between two iconic Norse god brothers, Thor and Loki.

Set against the backdrop of the mystical realm of Asgard, the dynamic play explores the complexiti­es of sibling rivalry, redemption, and the true meaning of heroism. As the brothers navigate their way through a series of comedic and perilous situations, they are forced to confront their difference­s, misunderst­andings, and the long-standing resentment that has fuelled their rivalry.

Director Kaley Ward said “Hammered” took place across three timelines and realms.

“We start off seeing two young kids reading a comic, so essentiall­y the entire play is imagined inside their mind,” Kaley said. “Then we jump way beyond into the future where Thor Odinson who is nearing the end of his millennia long life and is reminiscin­g about his teenage years with his granddaugh­ters.”

The rehearsals for “Hammered” took a different shape than previous WYT shows. Kaley and the production team incorporat­ed a mentor and collaborat­ion element to the rehearsals, allowing the cast to take part in all aspects of the show, from acting to costume design and set constructi­on.

“I found that providing a space where people can learn not only from me but other mentors and have a say (in producing the show) really fosters a sense of autonomy in their character,” Kaley said.

Kaelan Lowe and Angus Parker will step into the roles of Thor and Loki. Having performed together many times, the pair have the sibling relationsh­ip down pat.

“Playing Thor has been really different to a lot of my other roles, I’ve often been given the comedic relief character,” Kaelan said. This show has allowed me to act with real emotion and show the rawness of being a teenager.”

Returning to WYT after a bit of break, Angus said he was excited to explore the role of Loki.

“He’s very mischievou­s and I kind of get to joke around with everything I do,” Angus said. “It’s slightly outside of something I’ve had the chance to play before, it’s been nice to explore something new.”

As well as the iconic brothers, “Hammered” features a talented ensemble cast.

Lucinda Reeves who will play the charming ladies’ man, “Fandral” said she has enjoyed stepping outside her comfort zone when learning her character.

“I wouldn’t do a lot of the things that Fandral does,” she said. “It’s been interestin­g to learn how to separate myself from my character more than I have done in the past.”

George Pergl-Tormai who will portray “The Herald” said the sense of community created by the cast has been an enjoyable aspect of the rehearsal process.

“The cast is chosen at the start of the show, but at the end of it you feel like family,” George said.

Playing Hoenir, the Master of Runeology, Alex Oxley said he had enjoyed delving into

The cast of “Hammered” are excited to take the audience on a journey through Asgard.

Norse Mythology to shape his character. their characters. “I found by helping design

“I’ve had a lot of fun researchin­g the history the characters earlier on (in rehearsals) it of ancient runes,” he said. made it a lot easier to connect with them and

As a whole, the cast said they enjoyed the make them more developed,” Paige said. “We workshops and mentoring program built into the rehearsals. know what they look like and that helps us

Paige Fallon who will play Thor’s eldest build their personalit­y.” granddaugh­ter “Frigg” said having input into Tickets can be purchased online at https:// costuming has helped the cast connect with sales.wgac.com.au

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