Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Eagles claim reserves

- Davyd Reid

Neerim South’s Riley Ferguson manages to get a fistful of jumper from Elinbank’s Jacob Walker, who is handballin­g to teammate Tim Leicester.


Ellinbank finished premiers and champions in the reserves, overcoming Neerim-Neerim South to win a low scoring affair 3-6 (24) to 3-4 (22).

With the ground having to sustain rain throughout periods of both junior matches, the Eagles and Cats battled it out on a deck that began to chop up in areas but holding up well in comparison to other venues.

It didn't come without some timeclock controvers­y as the Cats converted after time had already appeared to elapse, bringing the margin to within seven points ahead of half time. After checking in with the umpires who advised they could only keep officiatin­g until they heard the siren, it prompted the Eagles to go and check in on the timekeeper­s.

The Cats had put through the first goal of the match and only major of the first term, only for the Eagles to break the low scoring affair open with three consecutiv­e goals in the second quarter.

Patrick Alger, Ashley Scott, Ryan Parsons, Sam Barwick, Andrew Quirk and David Miller worked to build the gap for Ellinbank.

Timothy Beaurain, Harry Notman, Justin Lockett, Jack Erickson, Aaron Mitchell and Adam White continued to push the Cats back into the contest.

With Justin Lockett taken down after a free kick and awarded a 50-metre penalty, he set up Toby Bayne for a big final quarter goal to bring the Cats within a point.

The Eagles followed up with a miss before having a floater touched on the last line.

Another 50-metre penalty gave Bayne a chance but the shot missed.

It allowed the Eagles to slow it down with possession football with 90 seconds to play, following up to force stoppages on the outer wing to hold on.

 ?? ?? Right: Celebratin­g Ellinbank’s reserves premiershi­p win are (back, from left) Jaxon Notman, David Miller, Sam Barwick, Tim Leicester, Andrew Quirk, & James Richards, (second back row, from left) Patrick Alger, Tony Wright (obscured), Thomas Jessup, Dylan Armour, Samuel Ferguson, Ben Dixon, (second front row, from left) Taj Fairbank, Nick Fairbank, Ryan Parsons, Ashley Scott, Jacob Walker, Chris Phelan, Jack Cole, Mark Quigley, Lachlan Pratt, (front row, from left) Ollie Johnson, Elliott Johnson, Lenny Johnson, Josh Robertson, Lenny Parson, Rocco Parson, Brayden Rintoule and Mathew Dare (both kneeling).
Photograph­s by FEARGHUS BROWNE.
Right: Celebratin­g Ellinbank’s reserves premiershi­p win are (back, from left) Jaxon Notman, David Miller, Sam Barwick, Tim Leicester, Andrew Quirk, & James Richards, (second back row, from left) Patrick Alger, Tony Wright (obscured), Thomas Jessup, Dylan Armour, Samuel Ferguson, Ben Dixon, (second front row, from left) Taj Fairbank, Nick Fairbank, Ryan Parsons, Ashley Scott, Jacob Walker, Chris Phelan, Jack Cole, Mark Quigley, Lachlan Pratt, (front row, from left) Ollie Johnson, Elliott Johnson, Lenny Johnson, Josh Robertson, Lenny Parson, Rocco Parson, Brayden Rintoule and Mathew Dare (both kneeling). Photograph­s by FEARGHUS BROWNE.
 ?? ?? Ellinbank’s Sam Barwick and Andrew Quirk raise the reserves premiershi­p cup in victory.
Ellinbank’s Sam Barwick and Andrew Quirk raise the reserves premiershi­p cup in victory.
 ?? ?? Right: Neerim South’s Noah Jarred assesses his options during his side’s close grand final defeat to Ellinbank.
Right: Neerim South’s Noah Jarred assesses his options during his side’s close grand final defeat to Ellinbank.
 ?? ?? Above: Neerim South’s Fletcher Robertson-Edgar can’t quite grab hold of Ellinbank’s Mathew Dare.
Above: Neerim South’s Fletcher Robertson-Edgar can’t quite grab hold of Ellinbank’s Mathew Dare.
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