Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Locals call for action on veterans’ suicide


Warragul RSL sub-branch has joined the call for the Federal Government to quickly implement all 122 Royal Commission recommenda­tions relating to suicides among Defence Force personnel and veterans.

Warragul sub-branch president Ben Vahland said key issues to be addressed included the transition of service people from the army, navy and air force to civilian life and dealings with the Department of Veteran Affairs.

The final report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide was handed down last week.

Warragul RSL made a detailed 50-page submission, including recommenda­tions, to the Commission.

National charity Soldier On that delivers a range of services to current and ex-service people said rolling out of the recommenda­tions would improve lives.

Chief executive officer Amy Cooper said, while no amount of work could undo the pain endured by many families and communitie­s, lessons could be learned from tragic circumstan­ces to strengthen support for those that protect our country and those that support them.

Many people raised in Baw Baw Shire and nearby are current or ex-members of the Defence Force.

Mr Vahland said there were many activities led by the Warragul RSL to try to assist transition from the services to the community.

They included groups delivering fitness and mateship, mental health support, making scale models and diorama, guitar lessons, singing, water exercises and tea and coffee catch-ups.

Mr Vahland said the social interactio­n they provided was a strong focus of assisting adjustment.

However, he added it was essential that the Royal Commission recommenda­tions were acted on by the government.

Victoria’s Minister for Veterans Affair Natalie Suleyman said the Royal Commission had shone a light on the challenges faced by veterans and their families.

Describing veteran suicide as a national tragedy Ms Suleyman said it was a collective responsibi­lity to address it.

The report provides a landmark opportunit­y to ensure those that have served, continue to serve and will serve in the future are looked after, she said.

Veteran Health Week will be held in October.

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