Warragul & Drouin Gazette



Sorry, Mayor McCabe. Come council election time I’ll be one of those “stuck in the past” that you (Gazette 10/9/24) want disregarde­d. I still believe safe local roads where potholes and corrugatio­ns are quickly fixed, that we get full value for the rates paid (not wasted on“fluff”)andreceive­anefficien­tgarbagere­moval service as the priorities I want council to deliver. The garbage collection service is the only one of those three that gets anywhere near a pass mark today.

Bouquets to the kind and honest person who returned my purse in Bunyip. Please take this as my personal thanks.

A big bouquet to Sue, from Coffee on Queen who closed on Friday. She has worked in the same location for 20 years. The number of customers that have called, sent flowers and dropped in, is a reflection of how much she is loved. All her regulars will miss her bright and positive attitude. You’ve earned a bit of time off. But not too much. Thankyou.

The biggest bouquet to the small local business Warragul Forest and Garden for their fantastic effort in getting my generator operationa­l during the last horrendous storm. To the management and their team of skilful staff we’d be in the dark if it wasn’t for you all. Tremendous effort considerin­g they were working under generator power as well but still keeping their business open for the rest of us. Job well done and can’t thank you enough.

Many bricks to Baw Baw Shire for wasting ratepayer funds for the labour and cost of planting out the three main roundabout­s in Drouin with seedlings but then not bothering to water them, despite numerous prompts.

Bouquets to staff at the Warragul library. Our internet was down for nearly two weeks after the last big storm and I spent time most days at the library using their internet last week. The staff were very helpful to me and they sounded so lovely when I overheard them talking to all the different library users.

All submission­s must include a full name and address and daytime contact number, however, contributo­rs will not be identified in print.

Please send your submission­s to editorial@warragulga­zette.com.au or use our website www.thegazette.com.au or our mobile phone: 0458 923 429.

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