Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Lyrebird celebrate $3 million upgrade


Major renovation­s at Drouin’s Lyrebird Village for the Aged are scheduled to get underway in the next few months.

Expected to cost in the order of $3 million, the upgrade will include renovation­s to the home’s Waratah wing and a new nurses’ station with adjacent treatment room.

General manager Alice Kurauvone said the work would take about 12 months to complete.

The renovation­s to the Waratah wing will include a new dining room and servery, an updated library and sitting room and general refurbishm­ent of shared living spaces.

There will also be new furniture and flooring, and Ms Kurauvone said residents had been thrilled to play a part by helping to choose a new colour scheme after taking part in a survey and vote.

She said the new nurses’ station would provide staff with more functional equipment and space to deliver timely and high level care to residents.

Lyrebird Village is now operated by Respect that has a number of residentia­l aged care facilities in Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales.

Managing director and chief executive officer Jason Binder said the not-for-profit organisati­on was excited with the plans for Lyrebird that would continue to meet the needs of the community and provide a wonderful home for Drouin and West Gippsland people.

He said the renovation­s would create a diverse range of employment opportunit­ies, leveraging local skills and expertise as well attracting new workers to the community.

Mr Binder said Respect had also updated several other areas at the village last year.

They included renewal of surroundin­g gardens and constructi­ng a memory support unit to provide the highest level of care for those with dementia and other memory related issues.

Mr Binder added that Respect was committed to being a key employer in the region and to support the local economy in addition to giving exceptiona­l care to residents.

Drouin Rotary Club’s newest member Janette Pocklingto­n (right) at her induction with husband Robert and outgoing president Pauline Maunder.

 ?? ?? Left: Lyrebird Village for the Aged residents (front, from left) Norma Beechey and Glenys Holland celebrate the announceme­nt of major improvemen­ts to the Drouin facility, due to start in the next few months. They are joined by staff (back, from left) general manager Alice Kurauvone, community relations officer Sherri-Lee Jansson, lifestyle coordinato­r Carolyn Pugh, maintenanc­e worker James Hunter, personal care assistant Raeleen Lavery, receptioni­st Stacey Allen and care manager Tanu.
Left: Lyrebird Village for the Aged residents (front, from left) Norma Beechey and Glenys Holland celebrate the announceme­nt of major improvemen­ts to the Drouin facility, due to start in the next few months. They are joined by staff (back, from left) general manager Alice Kurauvone, community relations officer Sherri-Lee Jansson, lifestyle coordinato­r Carolyn Pugh, maintenanc­e worker James Hunter, personal care assistant Raeleen Lavery, receptioni­st Stacey Allen and care manager Tanu.
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