Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Mural unveiled in Longwarry


A mural depicting an historic fire brigade photograph has been unveiled on the Longwarry CFA station.

Described as a great addition to the community, Longwarry and District History Group say there are plans for more murals to follow.

The mural, commission­ed by the history group, was unveiled last week as a welcome addition to the well-maintained Longwarry Memorial Park in Bennett St.

Painted on the wall of the Longwarry CFA station, it faces the park and depicts a black and white photograph of Longwarry Fire Brigade in 1905. It was a time when horses - not fire trucks transporte­d firefighte­rs and equipment to battle fires.

The mural was painted by Simon White, a Gippsland-based artist who specialise­s in large-scale murals. His previous works can be seen in many locations throughout Gippsland and beyond.

Taking three days to complete, weather conditions didn’t make for smooth sailing. However, all are thrilled with the final product.

Longwarry and District History Group president Russell Ford said the photograph came to the group several years ago and, after a generous grant from the Drouin and District Community Bank, become a reality.

He added that the history group had been very active this year with informatio­n sessions to various clubs and completing a detailed research project of the Longwarry RSL.

Another well-received project by the public was the erection of informatio­n boards at the football ground. They detail players from the town who have gone on to have very successful careers in league football.

However, this new mural is possibly the biggest and most notable in the community, Mr Ford says.

He added that the history group have identified other sites within Longwarry where murals depicting the town’s history could be placed.

The group aim to continue fundraisin­g in an endeavour to add even more interestin­g features in Longwarry.

 ?? ?? Above: A 1905 photograph depicting the local fire brigade has inspired this new mural in Longwarry.
Left: Gippsland-based artist Simon White works on the mural. The finished product can be viewed from Longwarry Memorial Park after being completed across just three days.
Photograph­s courtesy of Jo Fontana.
Above: A 1905 photograph depicting the local fire brigade has inspired this new mural in Longwarry. Left: Gippsland-based artist Simon White works on the mural. The finished product can be viewed from Longwarry Memorial Park after being completed across just three days. Photograph­s courtesy of Jo Fontana.
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