Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Bunnings thief


A proposal to release treated leachate from the closed Trafalgar landfill site into the environmen­t is currently up for community consultati­on.

As part of this process, a “workshop event” will be held at the Trafalgar Community Centre on Tuesday, August 13 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Baw Baw Shire said proposal to release of an estimated 5.2 million litres of treated leachate per year into creeks had been “thoroughly investigat­ed” and “poses no risk to people or harm to the natural environmen­t”.

Councillor­s endorsed the plan in June, with officers estimating it could save council between $430,000 and $860,000 per year.

However, community feedback now open until Thursday, August 25 - is set to play a key role in council’s applicatio­n to the Environmen­t Protection Authority (EPA).

As well as having their say online, community members can have their say in person at the Trafalgar Community Centre workshop event.

A thief was allegedly thwarted, only to return, at Bunnings in Warragul on Sunday, July 28.

Police said staff reported a man entered the store at 8.45am and left with a Tradeflame gas bottle without payment.

There will also be a project display, presentati­on and question and answer session.

Baw Baw Shire mayor Annemarie McCabe acknowledg­ed the recycled water release may sound confrontin­g to some residents.

However, she assured the necessary risk audits and research had been completed to ensure it was a safe alternativ­e.

“Understand­ably, some people may feel uneasy about the release of the recycled water into the environmen­t,” Cr McCabe said. “Council has taken all the steps to ensure it poses no risks, and weighed it up against the other options, which weren’t as viable.”

She said the community consultati­on included “some educationa­l pieces” so that residents “can understand the process better and how it will work”.

Residents who live nearby the closed landfill site were due to receive letters last week to inform them of the proposal and community consultati­on options, council added.

A staff member followed the man, who allegedly stashed the item in a garden bed outside Kmart. The gas bottle was retrieved.

However, upon noticing it missing, police allege he returned to Bunnings to steal another one.

Currently, irrigation is the primary way recycled water is managed at the site.

However, council said it was now required to find another solution to manage recycled water when irrigation cannot occur during the wetter winter months.

The Trafalgar landfill operated from 1975 to 2011. It is currently in a post closure phase, with ongoing landfill gas and leachate management falling to council.

Leachate from the landfill site is currently collected and pumped to an on-site leachate dam, where it is aerated and treated by reverse osmosis. The recycled water is used to irrigate the landfill cap when weather conditions are suitable and there is cap demand. This occurs when the grass cover on the landfill requires watering to keep grass green and helps to reduce erosion.

To have your say on the proposal, find out more or view other options considered by council, visit bawbawconn­ect.com.au/trafalgarl­andfill by Thursday, August 25.

Vehicles were reported stolen from Brandy Creek and Trafalgar last week.

A white hatchback was linked to more than 20 thefts from vehicles across Baw Baw last week.

Wallets, laptops and cash were amongst items reported stolen across Trafalgar, Yarragon and Warragul.

Police have arrested and charged a 15-year-old boy from Trafalgar in relation to the thefts. He has been bailed to appear at Children’s Court at a later date.

However, believing three offenders were responsibl­e, investigat­ions are ongoing.

The vehicle was first linked to thefts in Trafalgar overnight on Sunday, July 28.

Police said a wallet containing bank cards and a driver’s licence was stolen from an unlocked Nissan Navara parked in Blackwood Crt overnight.

At 2.08am, they reported CCTV captured the vehicle in Carnegie Crt.

It is alleged the driver reached out of the white hatchback in an unsuccessf­ul attempt to open a vehicle.

Police reported the vehicle was linked to further thefts in the Warragul, Yarragon and Trafalgar areas overnight on Monday, July 29.

In Warragul, two vehicles were targeted in Ebony Crt and a third in Melzak Way.

Police said most of the vehicles were unlocked and personal possession­s stolen.

In Yarragon, vehicles parked in Ti Tree Crt, Rodier Rd and

Murray St were all targeted.

Centre consoles and gloveboxes were allegedly rummaged through, with TK Maxx-brand clothing stolen from one.

CCTV indicates at least one theft occurred at 5.05am, police said.

In Trafalgar, two thefts from vehicles were reported in Carnegie Crt as well as further reports in Murray St, Flores St, Vincent Blvd, Davey Dr, Wilson Crt and Villeneuve Dr.

Again, police report most vehicles were unlocked.

Loose change, sunglasses, laptops, garage remotes, CDs and wallets were reported stolen.

Police said a white hatchback was used to travel to a Warragul burglary on Tuesday morning.

They reported a person entered a garage via a roller door in Ruby Cl at 5.35am.

It is alleged they stole a key to a vehicle and set of house keys.

They returned at 5.57am to rummage through a vehicle in the garage and a second vehicle parked out the front of the residence.

Overnight on Tuesday, further vehicle thefts were reported in Warragul.

They include two in Limestone Crt and one each in Sassafras St, Roberts Crt, Bluestone Crt and Skyline Drv.

Wallets, laptops, watches, bank cards and cash were reported stolen.

Anyone with informatio­n is urged to contact Warragul police on 5622 7111.

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