Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Leonard to contest Monash after V4M preselecti­on


Phillip Island lawyer Deb Leonard will contest her second election for the Federal seat of Monash as an independen­t candidate after being preselecte­d by the Voices for Monash group.

Ms Leonard, from Cape Woolamai, won a ballot for the preselecti­on from fellow Phillip Island resident Tim O’Brien of Ventnor.

Registered members of Voices for Monash (V4M) voted online to choose an independen­t candidate for the election, due to be held next year, after presentati­ons by both nominees at a function in Inverloch that was also live streamed.

Ms Leonard previously stood as a V4M supported candidate in Monash at the 2022 election.

V4M earlier this year received funding from Climate 200, an organisati­on founded by businessma­n Simon Holmes à Court in 2019 to encourage “climate focused” independen­t candidates at the 2022 election. But, Ms Leonard said her advocacy as an independen­t would be based on what the local community wanted, especially in regard to any potential locations of wind and solar electricit­y generation projects in Monash.

She stressed there were “no strings attached” to the support provided by Climate 200 and she would not be a rubber stamp for any proposals.

“It’s about listening to the views of people on the ground and making sure the community is heard,” she said.

Ms Leonard said she would begin an extensive program of community consultati­on, including doorknocki­ng and “town hall” meetings, leading up to the election, with a focus on what people want in protecting their communitie­s and the region’s food bowls and farmers.

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