Warragul & Drouin Gazette



The splendid efforts of the school teachers and children of the Warragul school inspectora­te, presided over by Mr. Inspector Dooley, in raising funds to build a children’s ward at the West Gippsland Hospital, were brought to a culminatio­n on Friday evening.

The Director of Education paid a visit to Warragul and presented the cheque for £2000 to the president of the hospital Rev M. A. Roche.

Mr Daly, headmaster of Warragul school, presided, and on the platform with him were the Director of Education Mr Frank Tate, DSO; Inspector Dooley, organiser of the effort; Rev Roche, president of the hospital; and Messrs Copeland, Moore, Dillon, Revell, Kimber and Smythe. Apologies were received from the president of the shire Cr Kingston, and the president of the high school Mr B. J. Dunn.

After the singing of the National Anthem, the chairman said it was very gratifying to be present at that meeting to extend a cordial welcome to Mr Tate, and to participat­e in the handing over to the hospital authoritie­s a cheque for £2000 for the purpose of building a children’s ward at the hospital.

This money had been raised by the children. Father Roche said it was difficult to find words to express his gratitude for this princely gift. Something like 90 schools and some 5000 children had taken part in this beautiful work.

The highest amount was raised by one of the smallest schools - Nar Nar Goon North - with a total of £223 13s 8d, and the explanatio­n is that a very successful queen competitio­n was organised by the head teacher and his committee.

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