Warragul & Drouin Gazette

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We didn’t have any entries from our tinies this week! Hopefully we get some more soon!


Our green certificat­e winners this week are Travis Pitt and Edie Rowe.

Travis coloured a picture of a skier on a mountain.

I liked how Travis made the mountains look extra snowy by outlining certain parts of the picture with a grey Texta. Travis also made the mountains look taller by only colouring a small portion of bright blue sky. I liked how he added a big yellow sun and some birds into the sky as well. Well done Travis!

Edie coloured a picture of a clown at a circus.

I really liked how she used a mix of pencil and Texta to create the scene. Edie did an excellent job staying inside the lines. I also liked how she outlined some parts

Our overall winner this week is Tahlia Soutar for her picture of a skier on a mountain!

Tahlia’s picture really stood out because of the colouring techniques she used. - like the path, the clouds and the big top tent - with Texta, and filled in the rest with coloured pencils. Another feature was how Edie coloured in the clown’s face. She did well to colour in the big red nose and pink lips, while still keeping the rest of the face white. Great work Edie!

Edie also receives a yellow certificat­e for her colouring of a skier on a mountain.

Edie used liquid paper to colour in the snow in her picture, what a very clever idea! I liked how some of the mountains were coloured in with green pencil and Texta to make them look grassy. It reminded me of how sometimes there isn’t a lot of snow on mountains in Australia! Good job Edie!

Sadie Van der Linden is our other yellow certificat­e winner this week for her picture of a skier on a mountain.

I thought Sadie’s picture was really interestin­g. She created six

The outlining with blue highlighte­r made the skier look three dimensiona­l and I really liked how she outlined different parts of the mountains with dark green Texta, it added depth and texture. different segments and used a mix of pastel highlighte­rs to colour in the scene. Each segment had its own colour scheme and I liked how the skier, who was in the middle of every segment, was coloured in to match! Great job Sadie!


This week’s green certificat­e winner is Tahlia Soutar for her colouring of a skier on a mountain.

Tahlia used a really cool colouring technique on her picture, making some of the objects look three dimensiona­l by outlining them with bright blue highlighte­r! I was very impressed by how Tahlia kept all her colours inside the lines, and none of them bled into each other - which is a tricky task when you colour with Texta! I also thought the little red streaks Tahlia added to the skier’s hair was a clever addition. Well done Tahlia!

Keep up the great work Tahlia!

For your amazing picture you will receive a $10 Need2Read voucher and a family pass to the Warragul Cinema Centre valued at $52.

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