Warragul & Drouin Gazette

A French celebratio­n


With a high level of interest in France at the moment due to Bastille Day, Olympic Games in Paris and the Tour de France, U3A Baw Baw decided to celebrate all things French.

The celebratio­n occurred during the group’s monthly gathering at the Royal Hotel in Drouin.

Attendees enjoyed entertaini­ng French related activities, familiar French songs and a spirited rendition of La Marseillai­se.

Bridge, as usual, is held on Wednesday each week starting at 1pm, but please aim to arrive at 12.45pm.

The club play in a relaxed, social environmen­t, and very much welcome any visitors or newcomers to the game.

Strzelecki Bushwalkin­g Club

The Great Southern Rail Trail is a wonderful natural resource right on our doorstep in Gippsland.

The rail trail begins at Nyora and, with the newest section opened, extends all the way to Welshpool. It covers a distance of 110km and could be extended to 143km if users travelled all the connecting trails.

The Great Southern Rail Trail really showcases some of Gippsland’s best scenery and passes some rich dairy and beef farmland. Visitors will find themselves cycling past cattle grazing in the paddocks and rolling hills so lushly green that it is hard to tear your eyes away.

The rail trail also passes through many Gippsland towns, so your next coffee stop is never far away. You can stay overnight in one of the towns along the trail or just complete a section in a day. It is great for cyclists, walkers and even horseback riders on some sections.

The Strzelecki Bushwalkin­g Club regularly hosts activities along the rail trail and recently held its inaugural marathon.

It was very clear that the spirit of France is alive and well in our little corner of the world.

U3A is a local organisati­on covering Baw Baw Shire and is part of the Victorian network of U3As. It is a volunteer learning cooperativ­e of retired or semi-retired people who share many educationa­l, creative, social and leisure activities.

For enquiries about courses and membership, email info@u3abawbaw.org.au

It saw 15 members walked 42km from Lowrys Rd near Foster all the way into Leongatha. This was an amazing group effort lead by club stalwart Martin Norris. It is definitely an achievemen­t the club is proud of.

More recently, the club has held bike rides from Korumburra to Leongatha and Foster to Toora on Sunday, July 21. There were nine cyclists who tried out the newest section from Alberton to Welshpool.

This new section is very flat riding and passes through beautiful green farmland. The track has been made to the highest standard and makes the ride a joy.

When the riders from the Strzelecki Bushwalkin­g Club arrived at Welshpool, they had lunch at a beautiful local café with Gippsland sourced food.

Riding and walking with the Strzelecki Bushwalkin­g Club is a great way to experience the rail trail. Travelling along with a group of friends enjoying the view is a very enjoyable way to spend the day. And, when coffee and cake are thrown in, you can’t go wrong.

The next club night of the Strzelecki Bushwalkin­g Club will be held on Wednesday, August 14 in the Trafalgar Scout Hall in Kitchener St.

All visitors are welcome to attend. Supper and a guest speaker are provided.

Further informatio­n is available on the website at sbwc.org.au, on the Facebook page or by contacting publicity@sbwc.org.au

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