Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Club Notes...


Warragul Philatelic Society

The club held its annual general meeting on a cold, wet and miserable Monday in mid-July at the warm Warragul Community House.

After reviewing the year and thanking the past office bearers for their efforts, new officer bearers were appointed for 2024/05.

Congratula­tions go to: president Jeanette Mowbray, vice president Alan Hall, secretary Nick Murphy, treasurer Debbie Brown, circuit secretary Max Norman, publicity Brian Bywater and librarian Jeanette Mowbray.

The club is looking forward to an interestin­g year. Planning for the new year is well advanced, with more Saturday afternoon meetings included.

The date for next year’s annual general meeting was set for Saturday, July 26, with plans to invite a guest speaker.

The stamp and coin fair will be held on the first Saturday in June, starting at 9am and finishing at 2pm.

There was a pause in competitio­ns this month, but there were some items for sale. Brian B also brought an item of interest.

Did anyone know there was a board game called “Philately”? The answer is yes there is. It was first published in 1973 in the UK. Brian brought along his copy, which he said was used quite often by the family on cold, wet evenings in winter.

A list of items to be found in the scavenger hunt for next month was given and can be obtained from Debbie.

Next month’s meeting will be at 1pm on Saturday, August 24 at Warragul Community House in Normanby St.

Please bring along an item, preferably philatelic, beginning with the letter “T”. The topic for the one to three-page competitio­n is “bicycles on stamps”.

There will also be a look at members’ efforts in the scavenger hunt, so good hunting everyone. Also, members are asked to bring along an item for show and tell.

As always, visitors and new members are welcome. Please call Jeanette on 5622 1514 for any queries.

Warragul Bridge Club

Another good turn up on Wednesday with 20 players comprising five tables of keen players.

In the north south section, there was a draw for first place between Barbara Barr/ Phillip Goode and Michael Thorne/Chris Samplawski, both pairs scoring 60.5 per cent. Third place went to Alan Kuipers/Ken Hutchinson with 52.5 per cent.

The east west section had Angela Larsen/ Heather Cupples the winner with 55.5 per cent. Second was Warren Cousins/Lindsay Robinsons with 54.5 per cent and third went to Stephan Van de Sluis/John Gibson scoring 54 per cent.

The two equal first winners in north south did extremely well to both bid and make two “small” slams each. It’s not so often you get to two slams in one complete round.

Lesley Anstee and Donna D’Arcy lead the French singing at a recent U3A Baw Baw gathering.

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