Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Minister visits Baxter Park


Two funding programs to open doors for sport volunteers were announced at Warragul recently.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence visited the upgraded Baxter Park to view the facilities and chat with Gippsland United players before detailing the $7.2 million investment for regional sport in Victoria.

“Volunteers and staff are the backbone of sport in regional communitie­s, without them local clubs and competitio­ns would not exist,” Ms Spence said. “We’re keen to back more initiative­s that increase opportunit­ies for all Victorians to get involved in the sports they love whether as coaches, volunteers or administra­tors at their local clubs.”

She said applicatio­ns were now open for funding via the “Sustainabl­e Volunteer Workforce Program” and the “Strengthen­ing Regional Community Sport Program”.

The new Sustainabl­e Volunteer Workforce Program will support organisati­ons to develop game changing workforce projects, with grants of up to $450,000 available.

Funding will support initiative­s and partnershi­ps that help attract and retain sport volunteers and staff, reduce volunteer workload, and ultimately increase participat­ion opportunit­ies for Victorians on and off the field.

Eligible organisati­ons include state sporting associatio­ns, state sport and active recreation bodies and regional sports assemblies with experience in supporting volunteers and staff in the sector.

Applicatio­ns close on Monday, August 19.

Ms Spence said it complement­s the launch of the state government’s Strengthen­ing Regional Community Sport Program, which supports state sporting organisati­ons with grants of up to $300,000 to increase collaborat­ion and partnershi­ps, remove barriers and create opportunit­ies for participat­ion in sport, particular­ly for under-represente­d groups.

Applicatio­ns for this funding stream close on Monday, September 9.

For further informatio­n or to submit an applicatio­n for funding, visit sport.vic.gov. au

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