Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Update enrolment before August 7


Voting enrolment ahead of the Baw Baw Shire council election will close at 4pm on Wednesday, August 7.

New enrolment or updates to existing enrolment must be completed by this deadline.

All people enrolled to vote must vote in the council election which will be held via post in October.

Candidate nomination­s for the council election open at 9am on Monday, September 9 and close at 12noon on Tuesday, September 17.

The complete list of candidates will appear on the Victorian Electoral Commission website from Wednesday, September 18

The VEC will post ballot packs to all enrolled voters from Monday, October 7.

Ballot packs will include a ballot paper, candidate statements, a ballot paper envelope, a reply-paid envelop and a leaflet with instructio­ns.

Voting will close on Friday, October 25 at 6pm. All votes must be posted by this time.

Voters are encouraged to check the collection time on the post box to ensure their vote will be collected before the deadline.

If you are away from your enrolled voting address between October 7 and 25, you may still be able to vote in the council election.

Voters can apply to have their ballot pack forwarded to a different address from 4pm on Wednesday, August 7 until 5pm on Monday, September 9.

People away from their address without access to mail can vote in person at a local temporary election office. Details about the temporary election offices will be available on the VEC website from Monday, September 9.

People outside Victoria for the duration of the election can submit an “Away from Victoria” form on the VEC website.

The election results will be declared on Friday, November 15.

To check and update enrolment details, visit enrolment.vec.vic.gov.au

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