Warragul & Drouin Gazette

No decision on expansion yet


The Gippsland League has sought to Those leagues have been in recent discussion­s clarify its position regarding recent reports over their respective futures with a that it is aiming to open a second number of meetings aiming to discuss how to division as soon as next year. make the leagues as sustainabl­e as possible.

The league released a statement on Friday North Gippsland went as far as to release to stakeholde­rs saying that while they had their own statement on Friday prior to Gippsland commenced an internal review into potential League's, stating that at a meeting held areas of growth, nothing has been formally last Wednesday "all 11 clubs, strongly indicated decided yet and would not be until the review's that no club would seek to enter this newly completion on or before October 31. created division and remain in the NGFNL."

"As this process is in the review phase, no Gippsland League general manager Dan formal decisions or proposals have been Heathcote confirmed that while the league made for 2025 or beyond including around had notified other leagues of its intentions the current informatio­n circulatin­g that as a courtesy, reports that they were out to Gippsland League will be creating a second possibly poach clubs for an expansion next division for season 2025," the statement said. season were off the mark.

It comes after reports that the league was "We're looking at a number of different areas putting an expansion into action as soon as to potentiall­y grow including girls footy, possible, with talks of clubs from the North a second division could end up being something Gippsland and Mid Gippsland leagues potentiall­y we look at but it's too early to say anything moving on the cards. like that yet," he said.


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