Warragul & Drouin Gazette

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Our green certificat­e winners this week are Olive Murnane and Persephone Vanyai White.

Olive used bright highlighte­rs to colour a picture of a log cabin. I liked the bright green trees and the piles of snow that Olive added on top.

I really liked the candy cane pattern Olive drew on the windows and the front door, it reminded me of Christmas!

Olive coloured some rainbow circles on the front of the cabin, I thought they looked like Christmas lights. Great job Olive!

Persephone coloured a picture of a snowman in the forest. Persephone created a checkered pattern on the snowman’s scarf which I thought was very clever.

I liked how the red and yellow pattern also matched the snowman’s hat.

Persephone left a clue on the bottom of her picture, “spot the bunny”. After looking all over the picture, I found two pink and white ears poking up from under the snow!

I also liked how Persephone used black and white pencils to make some of the trees in the forest look like birch trees. Well done Persephone!

Our yellow certificat­e winner

Our overall winner this week is Harper Wallace for her picture of a log cabin. Harper’s picture stood out because of the soft colours she used and the scene she created. I is Hayley Higgins for her colouring of a man going skiing. Hayley made her picture look like it was taking place in a snowstorm by shading spirals and squiggles of blue and grey pencil. Hayley used lots of bright colours for the skier’s clothing. I really liked his purple gloves and long yellow socks. Good job Hayley!


This week’s green certificat­e winners are Harper Wallace and Isla Mumford.

Harper coloured a picture of a log cabin. She used soft coloured pencils to create a winter scene that made me think of The Nutcracker! The soft shades of blue and purple on the trees in the background and the snow on the roof reminded me of lollies and the Sugarplum Fairy.

Harper did a great job staying inside the lines of her picture and the colour pallet she chose really created a theme for the picture. Excellent work Harper!

Isla coloured a picture of a snowman in a forest. I really liked how Isla coloured the plants in her picture. She used a combinatio­n of green, blue and yellow to make the plants look like they were frozen!

Isla gave her snowman a pink and purple scarf which I thought especially liked the rainbow pattern down the side of the house, they reminded me of gumdrop lollies. Keep up the great work Harper! For your amazing picture was very cute. I also liked how she coloured in some of the trees with green pencil and left some white, it made it look like some were completely covered in snow. Well done Isla!

Rebecca Higgins is our yellow certificat­e winner this week for her colouring of a man going skiing. Rebecca made her picture look windy by drawing blue squiggles around the skier. I liked how she used green and yellow for the man’s outfit, it reminded me of the Australian team’s uniform for the Olympics! I also liked the little crosshatch­ing Rebecca did on the top of the skier’s teeth, it made his smile look like it was glinting in the light. Well done Rebecca! Seniors:

This week’s green certificat­e winner is Gemma Higgins for her colouring of a log cabin. Gemma used coloured pencils on her picture, she did a nice job shading to create texture.The green trees had darker shading which made them look big and bushy, and the sky had light shading to make it look soft and snowy.

Gemma made a rainbow pattern on the outside of the cabin which I thought was very pretty. I also liked how the rainbow pattern continued on the chimney and the roof. Great work Gemma! you will receive a $10 Need2Read voucher and a family pass to the Warragul Cinema Centre valued at $52.

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