Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Donation assists students


A significan­t donation from Club 88 will allow local students to chase their educationa­l goals.

Club 88, a dedicated group of community-minded women in Warragul, recently made the donation to ECG Secondary College.

Known for raising funds for local worthy causes, this contributi­on aims to encourage the learning journey of ECG students and create a better future for the local community.

“Youth are our future, so it’s important that we support them by removing barriers to education such as costs,” Club 88 joint-president Lynn Ferguson said.

ECG, an independen­t school, provides practical learning support to students in years nine to 12 who face barriers to their education.

Based at Community College Gippsland (CCG), students from various background­s follow alternativ­e learning through ECG programs to improve their secondary education.

CCG chief executive officer Dale Gemmell said the donation would go towards the ECG scholarshi­p program, “where students who aspire to further education can access funds to cover their course fees in further studies”.

He said funds would also support a startup initiative, which focuses on student wellbeing, work readiness and connecting to the community.

“We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Club 88,” Mr Gemmell said. “Their support will make a significan­t difference in the lives of our students, providing them with opportunit­ies to excel academical­ly and beyond.”

Club 88’s dedication to raising funds for worthy causes exemplifie­s the power of community spirit and collective action, he said.

For informatio­n on how to support ECG Secondary College, visit ecg.vic.edu.au/giving/ or call 5622 6000.

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